Proposal - UK annual meet (1 Viewer)

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Terry, the Feb/March thing is out for me but do keep me posted on other plans. I'm keen to come over again at some point and would love to meet up with you lot.
Sounds good to me Red Two. Mick should be OK, and hopefully Max and Barbara from Hants, so I'll see if that slot is suitable for them.
And Andy, I'll definitely being doing at least one DX show this year, so I'll let you know. The early 'season opener' at DX, in late May, is celebrating the 70th anniversary of D-day, so could be a good one maybe?
Yep, the first Duxford show is on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th May, and celebrates the 70th anniversary of D-day, with bomber, fighter and transport aircraft that would have been seen over Normandy, along with related ground shows. I believe there is also to be a march-past from The Parachute Regiment - so Karl and I really should be there !
Anyone interested, let me know as, if there are enough bodies, a 'Group' ticket might be possible.

just looked and i dont have any weddings or functions that weekend so with luck i could be on for that Dogsbody, but will have to keep checking my work diary

but barring Prince Harry booking his wedding at my place pencil me in
Thank you Airframes...that seems eminently doable so thanks once more for the heads-up. If it is a cert...I'll do my utmost, so let's say I'm a more or less definite.

Nob, let us know when you are in the Colonies. Maybe we can arrange a get-together.

And you guys get pics!!!!!
Njaco...oh how I genuinely love your American hospitality. Won't talk football as Superbowl night/morning beckons... But thank you for the invite; after getting such a fantastic diet of North American aircraft courtesy of the interweb, some of the big events have always made me think that one day an American airshow is a must. I'll stay dialled in and confirm when you chaps have finally decided. Love to meet you.

Airframes, working down the thread, I've just seen your Duxford suggestion...three birds with one stone sounds great to me. I'd make my own arrangements so as to let you guys get the most out of each other's've really got to get to know me first I feel.
Very cool, Nob. Marcel is coming over in May so its something we do when we can! I'm even more amazed at how a conglomeration of nuts, bolts and bits of plastic allow me converse with the world!
Very cool, Nob. Marcel is coming over in May so its something we do when we can! I'm even more amazed at how a conglomeration of nuts, bolts and bits of plastic allow me converse with the world!

Aeronautics in general and aircraft in particular enable open-minded enthusiasts to transcend nationality, politics and religion. It has a universal appeal all of its own and as all great aeronuts will confirm, they either started with paper aeroplanes, models or preparing chicken dinners with the live article. The last one is not true but I remember something about Diogenes dissing Plato with a plucked chicken in one of Plato's lectures. And keeping with the Greek theme, so to Daedalus and all started with the birds and silly things like us just doing what we love to do.

Thanks Njaco.
I'll keep you informed Nobby, and i think the DX show in May is almost a certainty.
Oh, and the Greek CAA have re-opened the AIB case on Icarus ..................
I'll keep you informed Nobby, and i think the DX show in May is almost a certainty.
Oh, and the Greek CAA have re-opened the AIB case on Icarus ..................

ROFLMAO! Airframes, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a while...CLASSIC!

So DUX it is. Thanks Terry.

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