'poor wee kid, he'll never be the same again, after playing with that toy '109 in the shop.....pilots comment was 'I saw a Jerry and jumped the chance!'
The wife was not at all pleased when I decided to build a 1:1 Spitfire in the front room. Not seen in this photo, as the fuselage is removed, are my suitcases and boxes of books, ready for the move .......... I also have a very large bill for the removal and replacement of the front wall, along with a maintenance demand ...............
Based on a true story, of a friend's uncle, back in the late 1960's. He built a Druine Turbulent in the front room, but when he realized he'd have to take out the window, and most of the wall, to get the fuselage and wing out, it was either divorce, or dismantle the aircraft and sell the parts !
He's still married (I think) !
Look Jan, if you mix that you are NOT going to like it. We will be waiting for you outside the head for the rest of the afternoon. Please...........don't. You can't take him anywhere.