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  • euro_vs_america_452.jpg
    74.2 KB · Views: 219
Wait here's another joke.

One day an american walks past a building and sees a mexican peeing. the mexican is finished and zips up his zipper, but the american asks him" aren't you going to wash your hands?" the mexican replies," sir we mexicans don't piss in our hands."

its kind of lame
I read this on reader's digest:

An American goes to a hotel in the Philippines.
The American is chewing gum
American: Do you eat your whole bread?

Filipino: yeah why?

American: Cause we don't, we put the crust in a container and
send it to the Philippines
*filipino isnt very annoyed, then the American annoys him more

Filipino*pissed off: do u throw away your condoms after using them

American: of course! thats sick

Filipino: us we don't, after using it, we turn it into bubble gum then send
it to America!

*The american spits his gum out
An American goes into a Mexican bar
they play pool
the Mexican wins!

the American crushes the Billiard balls
He goes out looking for his wife
He shaves her cat(animal)

the Mexican tells the police
"Officer! an American crushed my balls and shaved my wife's pussy!"

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