Quotes and Jokes (6 Viewers)

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Well, we actually don't know who invented wheel, and number 0...

I wonder what happened to them?
Doing a Google and the origin of numbers originated not far from where you are in Sumeria in Southern Mesopotamia, so it could have been one of your relatives, but a long, long time ago. As for the wheel inventor, they probably got run over..........................................OK, I'm going. :D
We are now utilizing thread bans for people who continuously post politically charged and obvious partisan posts that go against the forum's political rules.

Thread bans are not forum banishments. It just means you cannot post in the thread where they are being posted.

Every other day we are having to remind you. Its getting tiresome and honestly its pretty disrespectful.

The first thread ban is temporary. 7 days, and again, only applies to the thread at hand. You can still post in other threads.

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