Quotes and Jokes (1 Viewer)

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According to 2021 research printed at Rumble in the jungle: what animals would win in a fight? | YouGov six percent of Americans are so delusional or uneducated that they think that they personally could beat a grizzly bear in unarmed combat.

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Even more astounding 7% of men and 8% of women think they personally could defeat a lion in unarmed combat.
View attachment 772577
I voted for that. Winnie got nothing on me..

There are frats that make it a point to disrupt these stupid things.
This happened today:
Wife driving - I see a pair of pliers in the road as we turn - I say stop so I can get the pliers - she says " you have pliers" and continues on.
I quickly avoid confrontation by not saying "you have shoes but always want more."
Tip to all - should this happen to you, say "look a twenty dollar bill" - if you return with pliers, or other tool lost on road, say "It's worth $20".
A general tip - I notice whenever she drives, the dash indicator says "passenger air bag off".
I just felt someone other than family should know.
I just read a little piece on slang derived from WWI. Look at this one. I think they got it backwards. A shell that explodes in the air and showers down shrapnel is worse than one that explodes when it hits the ground.

8. Daisy-Cutter

Before the War, a daisy-cutter had been a cricket ball or baseball pitched low so that it practically skims along the surface of the ground. The name was eventually taken up by troops to describe an artillery shell fitted with an impact fuse, meaning that it exploded on impact with the ground rather than in the air thereby causing the greatest amount of damage.

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