Quotes and Jokes (4 Viewers)

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As of November 10, 1989, a German from the GDR says to himself: Well, I'm going to go for a ride to the West to see! (in German of course)
He takes his Trabant, drives, arrives in RFA and breaks down in front of a magnificent Mercedes Concession !
The Head of the Mercedes workshop goes out, all moved to see a compatriot who has suffered so much, says: We take care for you free; go for a ride and come back in an hour!

An hour later, he returns and the Trabant awaits him all washed, all cleaned!
The Head of Workshop is happy, gives him the keys and our East German leaves.

The Trabant makes a violent leap forward, stops, makes a violent leap backward, stops, and so on...

The Head of Workshop arrives all surprised, opens the hood of the Trabant and stunned says to the owner: "Ah there, excuse us, we have installed a Mercedes wiper engine in place of the original engine.... "

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