Quotes and Jokes (12 Viewers)

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Something I recall from several years back.

A guy worked at a Burger King and looked up to see two armed masked men coming in the front door. It was obvious they were going to rob the place, and he ran out the back door.

Behind the place he found a car sitting there, unlocked and idling. Clearly, it was the robber's car, positioned to make a quick getaway where it could not be seen. The Burger King employee jumped in the car and took off, driving it a few blocks down the street and parking it out of sight behind some buildings. The robbers got their loot from the place and ran out to find their car missing. They ran across the street and tried to hide in an open field, which proved to be a very ineffective tactic when the police arrived; they were quickly apprehended.

It would have been really neat if the Burger King guy got to keep the car but that did not happen.

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