RAAF Air Pageant 2010!

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Thanks mate!

Here's some more. Man I love the new lens!!!!

Oh and as you can see the camera never lies in regards to the last picture!



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Thanks guys!

Yeah the Sabre was pretty cool Andy. I saw it up close when it was being worked on at Temora in 2007 and the Pageant was the first I've seen it fly.

Here are a few more. The South Australian based Boomerang and Temora based Hudson. When I got to the Pageant I for some reason thought repainted the Temora Boomerang knowing full well the second Boomerang in South Australia was flying!


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Don't know how I missed this! Great shots Alex, and great to see the Hudson airborne. Do you happen to know if that Ryan monoplane is the one exported from th UK some years back? If so, I've re-fuelled and marshalled that at the airshows I used to work at.
Thanks for your comments guys, much appreciated! Yes the Hudson is a great aircraft, only flying in the world. It is operated by the Temora aviation museum.

Terry could well be the case with the Ryan, its based locally so I'll try and find out. Sounds pretty cool being up close with those old birds mate!

Heres a few more...


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