RAF 274 squadron

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Hi jim my name is mike my father was in 274 sqd from 1941 to 1944 have photos and my fathers log books .Iif you let me know your grandfathers name I will see if I
have any photos of him.
Kind regard MIKE HUNTON
Hi jim my name is mike my father was in 274 sqd from 1941 to 1944 have photos and my fathers log books .Iif you let me know your grandfathers name I will see if I
have any photos of him.
Kind regard MIKE HUNTON
Hi Mike,
My dad must have been in the squadron at the same time as yours. His name was F.S Leslie Clarke. He died of a stroke in 1981when I was 25 and only just starting to hear from him about his service. Alas, he ordered his logs to be destroyed when he died so I would be really interested if you have any information about his time in the squadron. Hope you are still on the forum as this post to which I am replying is quite old.

In the photo, my dad is sitting on the wing nearest the fuselage on the left.


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Hi Mike,
My dad must have been in the squadron at the same time as yours. His name was F.S Leslie Clarke. He died of a stroke in 1981when I was 25 and only just starting to hear from him about his service. Alas, he ordered his logs to be destroyed when he died so I would be really interested if you have any information about his time in the squadron. Hope you are still on the forum as this post to which I am replying is quite old.

In the photo, my dad is sitting on the wing nearest the fuselage on the left.

You should be able to download the Squadron Operations Record Book from the UK National Archives. I believe the downloads are still free from the site. If you're lucky, the Appendices will list all the Squadron operations which should include those of your Dad.
Hi Mike,
My dad must have been in the squadron at the same time as yours. His name was F.S Leslie Clarke. He died of a stroke in 1981when I was 25 and only just starting to hear from him about his service. Alas, he ordered his logs to be destroyed when he died so I would be really interested if you have any information about his time in the squadron. Hope you are still on the forum as this post to which I am replying is quite old.

In the photo, my dad is sitting on the wing nearest the fuselage on the left.

He looks like he just landed from a sortie!
You should be able to download the Squadron Operations Record Book from the UK National Archives. I believe the downloads are still free from the site. If you're lucky, the Appendices will list all the Squadron operations which should include those of your Dad.
Thank you. I shall look into that.
Thank you. I shall look into that.

Here are some pointers that might help get you started:

Combat Reports, 1 Aug 44 to 31 May 45:

Operations Record Book Appendices, 1 Jul 44 to 30 Sep 44:

Operations Record Book, 1 Jan 44 to 30 Sep 45:

Operations Record Book, 1 Jun 45 to 30 Sep 45:

Operations Record Book, Jul 44:

Operations Record Book, Aug 44:

Operations Record Book, Sep 44:

Operations Record Book, Oct 44:

Operations Record Book, Nov 44:

Operations Record Book, Dec 44:

Operations Record Book, Jan 45:

Operations Record Book, Feb 45:

Operations Record Book, Mar 45:

Operations Record Book, Apr 45:

Operations Record Book, May 45:

Happy hunting!

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