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Nice stuff! I take it one will have an excess baggage charge on the return flight old chap?
I like the look of the books on the Skyraider. Always fancied doing one of those, ever since, as a kid, my elder brother built one, I think in at least 1/48th scale, or maybe some obscure scale between that and 1/32nd, which had removable engine cowlings, with all the support frame work,detailed cockpit and removable inspection and access panels all over the place. Made a big impression on me at the time, but no idea who produced it! Wasn't one of the 'well known' companies of the time, such a Monogram, that much I do remember.
Methinks I might be asking some questions and looking for pics sometime in the future old boy! I fancy doing a 'grey' one, and a camoflaged Vietnam ground-attack bird at some time. I've got a few pics, and the Squadron 'In Action' book, but there's always room for more reference material!!
Wow, that's some leaving present! Nice one Karl...and Jan too! I'll be in the same boat as you some day, if I can get back to NZ and get some of the goodies I've got stored away...
I think in at least 1/48th scale, or maybe some obscure scale between that and 1/32nd, which had removable engine cowlings, with all the support frame work,detailed cockpit and removable inspection and access panels all over the place.

I built a Revell kit in 1/40 back sometime in the middle ages. Fun kit and looked killer big next to my brother's 1/48 fighters. Used to p*** him off with that.
Ah! That might well be the one! It was around the late 1950's or early 1960's, so all I remember is that it was bigger than the very few 1/48th scale models we had then, especially in the UK, and of course 1/32nd scale was unknow in those days. I remember being fascinated by the removable panels, and the support frames underneath, plus the detail in the cockpit which was, of course, revolutionary for kits of the period. By today's standards, it would probably seem crude, but I have a feeling it would still hold up well. It was probably that kit which inspired me to add detail and scratch-build parts, which I started to attempt soon after - and I'm still attempting!!
It strikes me as a good scale to have, between 1/32nd and 1/48th, allowing a bigger, more detailed model, without taking up as much display space.

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