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Yep, the model parts look very good.No overflows, most of the tank model details are fine.At a glance nice model.
Looking forward to it Wojtek! I like the winter schemes personally.

And I already have dropped a small piece, it just disappeared. I am not putting any more of those on, as I don't actually have anything that can pick them up...
No, no.... You haven't understand the idea I'm afraid.When a small piece is dropped on a carpet it really disappears.The main problem is with our eyes.You know it is like with a camo pattern or picking up mushrooms ( probably you have never been picking mushrooms up ) because of background.But if you put another thing ( it doesn't need to be the next small part, it can be a piece of paper or a small pice of plastic no matter what but similar in colour ) on the carpet our eyesight can notice the difference between the background and the object.It is somehow remembered by our brain and our eyes try to fine the next similar difference.Simply our maind needs a kind of a reference point.
Funny you should say that, Lucky.....! Just dropped a small piece from the 1/48 Marauder kit I was inspecting...didn't know I could swear in German, Danish, English and 'Geordie', all at the same time! Found it though, lay down on the carpet and looked across the surface, and there it was!
So, now you know my latest purchase as well, although I don't know when I'll get around to starting on it.
Do you wear glasses Terry? If not ,you have a good eyesight.But you can believe me ,sometimes even with glasses it is impossible to find it.
Yes Lucky, it's the old Monogram kit, re-released under the Revell label, from Germany. It's quite good considering its age (1978), although the mouldings are a little bit 'rounded' on some of the smaller parts. But, for the time it was first released, the detail was outstanding. It's got some fit problems, so I've read, but nothing that can't be corrected.
Hi Wojtek, I wear reading glasses, so yes, I was lucky to find the piece, but it might have been because, once flat on the floor, I had to stay there to rest, as the arthritis is really giving me hell today! Also, I shone my desk lamp at an angle, and looked for unusual shadows or reflections, which worked. Didn't prevent me bumping my head on the table though!
Just noticed, I've been 'promoted' in membership, what did I do to get that?!!
Ah Ha! Hadn't noticed! 100 posts in three weeks....I need to stay off this contraption! BTW, been slowly figuring out those abreviations i didn't know, but, when it comes to 'lol', it means something different when my daughter sends me a message, and I haven't cracked it yet, so go on, give me a clue!!

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