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Everyone is doing so well, I may as well chip in again....:)


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The Seiran is a epic kit and the details are amazing :D I have yet to built it :S in fear of screwing up :S Just be careful on the decals there unusually thin for Tamiya and break easily (I used 1 pair for another model and ended up errupting in rage when they shatered on contact with the model :( )
Got these today,
This one came in the mail. Paint callout is RLM74/75/76 don't know if this is right? Was thinking more 76/82/83


and then these from a local show

Sea Fury.jpg
Nice, the K-4 is more likely 83/75/76 or 81/83/76 but the 76 could be the 'other' shade of 76....

Another addition to my Battlestar Galactica series..:)


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