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Saw they changed the Vipers for that new series too Wayne, but I think the biggest shock was hearing Starbuck had a sexchange!!!! :)
This arrived in the post today, Jan would be pleased. It's an 'Overtree' pack in just simple white card box with no decals or instructions. Instructions can be pulled down off the web and these have 5 suggestions for decaling.

Bf 109E-1 picture.jpg
I believe it's only recently that Eduard started working with this overtrees concept. I think I may have seen something similar shortly after their new MiG-21 was released a while ago. If you have a good idea or a plan on which direction you would want to take a certain build it seems like a very interesting option to pay for just the plastic parts and exclude the stuff you won't use anyway (decals etc) Eduard make sure instructions are available digitally as well, so saves them work and we don't have to pay for it either. Everybody wins I'd say :D
Got this today it has a 0.2mm nozzle size so i should be able to spray fine lines i hope. My badger 150 is good for bigger areas.


Friday 2 was my birthday and that I came with friends





and by my wife

My latest arrivals courtesy of Evan (A4K) had trouble getting them myself, so asked for Evan's help and he organised them for me and sent them over, very grateful for his help. Thanks Mate.

decals for some interesting subjects.

The first sheet in 1/32 I wanted for the G-6 W0-21 to complete my trilogy of Foreign marked 109's you saw the first 2 in GB12.
The second sheet also 1/32 for the G-10 White 5

and the other 2 are 1/48 and 1/32 for the JGr 10 190's


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