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Just got them....! 8)

Just noticed that, with the reprinted decals for these Galland Circus Dora-9's, my 1/48 one, is suddenly incorrect! :lol:

B/W the older 1/48 and the colour one, the new reprinted set...


Just picked this beauty up off of ebay.

Me 109.jpg

Looking forward to doing a Croatian G10, also have decals for a Hungarian one also which will come in handy.

Also picked up an Airfix 1/48 Stuka for £10 incl p&p .
I cleaned out my own stash a little bit and managed to setup a little trade with a fellow modeler. A good bunch of a/c (double kits/modern jets and such) and in return I got a few nice AFV's. I've been thinking about occasionally venturing into the AFV business...and while there are many good kits and interesting subjects to pick....a small fortune for a first AFV kit seemed a bit much, so I'm glad I got to setup this deal.


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