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Great stuff guys. And what a coincidence! Having been inspired by the Halifax at Elvington, I've been thinking of getting the old Airfix MkIII for a diorama. By today's standards, it's a bit basic, but with a little work, it can be made into a very good model indeed - bit of scratch-building, sand off the rivets etc, and voila!
Just wish there was a decent, sensibly priced 1/48th scale kit - apart from the awkward FM offering.
Lost my old Fuji work camera this week(twice) so upgraded to a new Canon Powershot ELPH 300. Not a big Phantom phan but it was half price and I've heard the Hobbycraft EF-111 was a dog but it was less than half price. The 2 buckets of Tamiya paint were .99¢ and I was out of blades. The Taylormade Sandwedge was not purchased for dealing with my more difficult models but to bring my golfbag up to legal capacity(golfing starts tomorrow ヅ)


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