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Not much of a jet builder really..but the F-14 is/was a pretty awe inspiring piece of a reasonably priced kit of that seemed like a good plan for when I want to do 'something different' Looks like a nice not too difficult kit. Panel lines are a little heavy handed (airfix-like) but I believe Revell is about the only manufacturer who OOB got the F-14D right (something with the engines or something)


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Very nice kit, I think I built a verson of that kit long ago, you should have np with the fit and finish of it
Cheers fellas, got her for very good price!
What I wonder most about, is if I need them etch thingmajigs, as I don't plan to have them moveable, engine will be fun, with all the parts!
Nothing shows either, how to build her with the wings folded, which I'm going to do...
Jan, you don't need to put the rods and PE in if you're not having them moving, just glue the surfaces in place. You'll also have to do up some new front gear doors as they are really bad in this and the -1D kit.

Just won an Airfix Jaguar in 1/48, still paid too much ($38) but certainly less than the $75 I've seen being asked!
Just won an Airfix Jaguar in 1/48, still paid too much ($38) but certainly less than the $75 I've seen being asked!

Dumb question perhaps, and I know you didn't pay it, but what's up with the $75 price tag? Is that kit so hard to come by these days?
Jelmer, it's another which is only recently out of production, and will probably be re-released in a couple of years. The last retail price was around £25, around $37 Canadian, so whoever is asking $75 CN, double the price, is speculating, as usual, on it's 'rarity'. I saw one on e-bay a couple of months back which was going for £75 !!
I wouldn't mind, but as a kit, it should really be priced around £15 to £20, as it's not to the standard fo the price asked by Airfix, if compared to kits of similar price and size from other manufacturers.
thanks Terry. I was kinda curious as I came across the kit for some 20 euro @ my fav hobbyshop/webshop, which would be nicely within the 15-20 pound range (which for a rather sizeable and not all that old jet kit seemed rather reasonable to me) Been tinkering with the idea of building a jag sometime 'cause I've seen some rather cool looking extremely worn out and beat up examples of that one, not to mention the fact that it's a bit of an overlooked subject, and I simply kinda like it's clunky looks
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Wish I'd known you knew of one for that price! But, I've now got the old Esci kit, thanks to David (Florence), and really looking forward to getting stuck in to it!
It was a nice looking aircraft, and very capable too. Of course, our Government retired them early, but they had served for nearly forty years - with upgrades of course! Used to love seeing them at zero feet, going like the clappers, below me, when walking in the hills!
Jan, that Trump Corsair kit looks a treat.
So did the Trump 1/32nd P-51 kit I had, BUT
The texture of the surface just did me in. I just needed a smooth surface for NMF.
Got a belated B-day present today. Gotta love good frieds who are also building models and know their way around kits and aftermarket goodies and pick this package for ya (you can tell he's a bit of spitty fanatic). Good way to get some more experience in working with resin without a too complicated upgrade/correction set.


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