Gone noisy in here all of a sudden!
Ok, OK, I'll make a start soon, once I've made more inroads on a commission, and finished a couple of writing jobs.
It'll be interesting to see how the forthcoming Italeri Jaguar stacks up against the new Kitty Hawk Jag kit, and what price it will be - might even be the same kit, the way things work these days. I'm tempted by the KH kit, but at £42 it's a bit pricey, especially as I wouldn't be using things like the open engine and gun bays, and have two jags already, which I hope will turn out as good, with a bit of extra work.
That said, if someone releases a complete set of Jaguar resin wheels, it could be helpful. I've got a set for the ESCI kit, which really needs them. They're designed for the Airfix/Heller kit, but for some unaccountable reason, the nose wheel is not included in the set, just the main wheels!