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George, I'm not that up on P-38 sub models but for some reason I think the difference in the P-400 was the gun. I have a copy it the Detail Scale book somewhere and I'm sure the answer will be in there somewhere. I'll dig it out and have a look tomorrow.
I went to Squadrons website last week for some paint and there was a big clearance sale going on so naturally I bought way too many kits which arrived today. The only ones I've opened up so far are the H-16 and the DC-6. The H.12 is way smaller than I thought it would be and the DC-6 way larger. What a monster, the fuselage looks bigger than a 1/48th B-24!
yeah but Vixen belonged to the Navy and Para's dont like boats !!!!!!!Vampire and Vixen are hard to resist Red Two....
Mate, I understand your point of the view. And honestly don't insist on making every rivet count. However there is not too many modellers just like you who prefers making parts from scratch to buying these expensive extra aftermarket parts. The entire rest of them preferes all this photo-etch and resin stuff because they don't have either a spare time for scratch-building or abilities. Or neither this nor that. In the case buying of a such kit can cause nothing but trouble with the extra purchases. And this should be taken into consideration as well. And it was the reason for paying attention to the aspect of trading.