Picked up a couple of cheapies, and walked down memory lane.
The 'Bulldog' is for my 56 Squadron collection, and is a re-boxing of the 'Inpact' kit from the mid 1960s. These were way ahead of their time back then, with fine surface detail, interior fittings - and a reel of 'invisible' thread for the rigging. The Lindberg kit provides steel wire for this, and the kit still holds up pretty well, even by today's 'hi tech' standards.
The T-28 kit has seen many different boxings, and dates from 1956 !
It's basic compared to the recently released Roden kit, but has detail which, again, was 'advanced' for it's day. I remember building this kit back in the mid 1960's, although not, of course, in the 'Red Bull' scheme!
With some scratch-building, added detail, and maybe a set of resin wheels, this will eventually be a French T-28 'Fennec', similar to the Duxford resident shown below.
My thanks to Steve for pointing me in the direction of the sale at 'The Modeller', where I got the T-28 for less than half price!