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I'm sure you'll do well Terry. If they're paying for it, might be worth getting a White Ensign interior set. Will save you alot of time and scratchbuilding. (want to get a set myself for my own Stirling)

Great scores here everyone! Got some goodies on the way myself, pics up when they arrive.
I don't think I'd have the time needed to 'fiddle' with a detail set Evan - quicker to make things myself, particularly as not that much will be seen through the canopy. And, of course, being in a diorama, access to view the interior will be somewhat limited. I'll only have a touch over two months in which to get it all done - including the diorama base and associated details. Had it been twice that time scale, I might have considered adding more internal details, but then only to areas that could possibly be seen.
And about time too Wayne! They're up to Vol 4 now, and I'm eagerly awaiting publication of Vol 5, due either next month or late July I think.

well Terry always considered them, just had not taken the plunge, then i noticed my mate got in 2 and 3 and had 1 in second they were in my hands...what can i say..

hopefully he will get No.4 in due course...
Well just found this thread so I thought I would do a quick post it. I went on a Bf-110 Kick as you can tell and I picked up the 410 as well. Last week when I went up to Dales I got to go to King's hobby's and they have a big consignment sale going on so I was able to get he Beaufighter and the Mosquito as well as the Eduard Fw-190A-8 for not just the consignment sale but an added 25% off. If my wife can love a sale, so can I. I've been working on the CH Bf-110D-3 but was short good reference matrial. Well I found a bunch on an Amazon search on Friday and two of the books came in today. The Aero Publication was just the right book with a beutiful shot of the pilots instrument panel of a Bf-110C and although it is in B&W you can tell the RML02 is in the right ball park.


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Enviable purchases there Don. The Eduard 110 is a challenge for fit at the engine nacelles so watch for that. Otherwise, a beautiful kit with nice surface details, some of which you'll lose when you sand the pi$$ out of the nacelles. For references on the early 110's you can't beat John Vasco's book on the subject.
Picked these up today the Stearman is a nice kit @ $17 how does Revell do it


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