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Just delivered....for my Jan Zumbach Spitfire/Mustang..

Alcohol free beer? Don't be silly, you stupid boy. Now, go and take your meds, have a nap, and the Nurse will be along shortly. (Darned Swettish Muppets, you can't leave them alone for a minute .....).
Going to get these Su
Arado Ar 196A-3 4688 1/32 '10 CISB $33 pic140
P-47D Thunderbolt "Dorsal Fin" 2264 1/32 '07 CIGB (IS) $53 pic95
P-47D Thunderbolt Razorback 2262 1/32 '07 CIGB (IS) $38 pic33
P-47N Thunderbolt 2265 1/32 '08 CISB $53 pic96 We only have the 1
P-51B Mustang II 2274 1/32 '07 CISB $43 pic92
P-51B Mustang III 2283 1/32 '07 CISB $43 pic106
US Navy SBD-3/4/A-24A "Dauntless" 2242 1/32 '06 CIGB (IS) $38 pic31
US Navy SBD-5/A-24B "Dauntless" 2243 1/32 '06 CISB $53 pic
F6F-5 Hellcat 2257 1/32 '07 CISB $33 pic99

The above 9 items totals $387.00 less meet/show discount $27.00 bal owing $360.00

nday. How can I resist

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