I have Whiskers ATM (but no rum - sitting here in my Office at Uni with a hefty Vodka though, because its semester break and f*ck this place!!!)... I have been lazy and not shaved in a fortnight, trying to fight through the itchy stage.
Bahaha, I'm glad my supervisor is out of the country. One of the other Academics here walked in earlier to say G'day and ask about Genetic Algorithm solution representations (as this can help or hinder your efficiency); after smelling the booze-laden air, seeing the empty Absinthe bottle next to my desk, noticing my fly was undone (not sure why he was checking out my gear though!), and seeing my 'sketchy sailor' unshaven mug, asked me "Dan, has this place driven you 'full alco'?"
I laughed...then had to think about it...then realised he had a point (it does make marking 1st year assignments so much more berable tho)...so I decided to keep drinking, offer him a vodka too and shop online!