Scratch-building and / or cross-kitting isn't a problem, but apart from the fact that the CA kits seem to be as rare as rocking horse poo, and go for stupid money when they do appear, I don't really want to spend too much time (or money!) messing about with conversions, for a model that is going to sit in the middle of one of the dinner tables at the 100th Anniversary Reunion Dinner.
The Meteor will be one of four models I'll be donating to Gp. Capt. Barr and 46 Sqn Association, the others being my 1/32nd scale Beaufighter, already built in the Squadron's markings, the Mosquito NF.XII in the current Group Build, the Stirling Mk.V (a fairly quick conversion using the Magna conversion kit and an Airfix Stirling already on the blocks) and the Meteor.
At least, building the 1/72nd scale Matchbox / Xtrakit Meteor should be fairly straightforward and relatively quick - and doesn't cost two nights out at the pub !