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Nice one Robert.
I have that kit in the Swiss civilian boxing, and the same kit is currently around in about three or four different guises, including the 'Red Bull' version. Quite a nice kit overall, especially considering its age.
My goal is to eventually build 1:48 group of WW2 bombers, first US ones, so I now have B-17, B-24, B-25 and have been looking for a deal on a B-29. Then I plan on moving to the British ones, then German, then Japanese. Possibly others. I have a large amount of wall space set aside and am going to hang them from hooks right on the wall. But my skills need some improving before I actually tackle these so it will be awhile. Working on some fighters first and may even try my hand at some 1:72 stuff as that seems to go together better for me.
Just purchased the Monogram B-29 Kit in 1:48. Must have gotten some good Karma posting about it here because one popped up on my watch list for 50 USD, still expensive but the cheapest I have seen so far. Does anyone know which came first the Monogram or Revell kit?

According to Scalemates it started with this one...

B-29 SUPERFORTRESS, Monogram 5700 (1977)
Yup just went there myself, Revell closely followed and it looks like they reboxed Monograms. According to the seller the one I bought was purchased new by him in 1978 so it should actually be in good shape. Not sure about the decals after all that time but there are lots of aftermarket decals to be had.
Revell and Monogram are basically the same company - the kits from the 1960's to 1970's were originally Monogram, who 'specialised' in detailed 1/48th scale kits, long before the scale became popular.
Revell became the overall marketing company, both in the USA, and Europe (Revell, Germany), releasing these kits under both brand names, but the 'large' aircraft kits - B-17, B-24, B-25, C-47 etc etc, were originally all from the Monogram label, which, for want of a better description, was the 'Flagship' of the Corporation.
Yes they merged after Mattel sold off its interest, it was in 1986 after Odyssey Partners had acquired both companies. Prior to that they were rivals. For years the logos and kits were marketed with both labels, then in 2007 Hobbyco bought them and decided to remove the Monogram name and logo from the combined company which is now called "The Revell Group".
Not so much as a Recent Purchase, more of a Rest of a Long Ago Purchase. Sometime last summer I purchased an ICM 1/48 Hs 126 off of eBay from Sergei listed as new. When the package arrived it was sealed in clear plastic. When I opened the clear parts. I emailed Sergei and he assured me he had the parts and would ship them.Now I'm a patient man, 4 months roll by and nothing. Email Sergei again.....holidays, family matters etc. got in the way. Rest assured, says Sergei, package will be sent the end of November. Figuring in Xmas madness and maintaining my patience, I bide my time. Middle of January, patience depleted..."WTF Sergei" Oh, quothe he. Package got shipped back to him from Canada on Dec 26th, not realizing that this is a Canadian holiday. I threaten to contact ebay and ruin his Positive Feedback. Short story long..........


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