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Built 2 of the Mk.IIs, one kinda sorta converted to a Mk.III, squared of wing tips, bulges over the exhausts but still need to add the tail wheel gear covers. One of the complaints is the lack of the gull wing effect where the rear wing meets the fuselage
Ordered the brand new Revell 1/32nd scale Spitfire Mk.IX yesterday - should arrive by mid-week, when I'll post a full 'in box' review.

If you like the Eduard kit, maybe consider looking at their Overtrees as well...


Bare bones: no decals and no instructions and better than 1/2 price in most cases. I rarely use kit decals and you can download the instructions from the Eduard site. Minimum order is 20$ but who wouldn't throw in a PE set. Shipping is between 9-15$
If you like the Eduard kit, maybe consider looking at their Overtrees as well...

Bare bones: no decals and no instructions and better than 1/2 price in most cases. I rarely use kit decals and you can download the instructions from the Eduard site. Minimum order is 20$ but who wouldn't throw in a PE set. Shipping is between 9-15$
I have not tried those yet, but I was tempted, after your info I think I will go ahead and try some. I can easily get aftermarket decals and a PE set if needed. Thanks!

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