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Greetings guys - busy busy! The jet is running well. Here's a tickler...


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Folks, we're kicking @ss! Two first place heats! We beat Mike Mangold today, but he's going to give us a run for our money. Check out the streams! I'll try to check in when I can.
Well a change of events. We got moved into the gold. We could have taken the silver easily but because our times were so good, it is what it is. We ran in the gold today, finished 5th out of 6, but we were expected to be last. The up side of this is its looking that my pilot is going to take rookie of the year! More to come...
Well guys, I'm home. We took two heats in the Jet Silver but the class decided to move us up into the gold - I knew we couldn't do much better then 5th and in the Jet Gold that's what we did. I wasn't very happy about this and felt we should have stayed in the silver but I'll let the politics play out and prepare for next year. One consolation - my pilot Sean "Flopper" Cushing took "Rookie of the Year" for the jet class!


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