Revell JU87 D-3 1:48

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Just edited them.

As far as the model is concerned... painting the wing before attaching to the fuselage isn't a very good choice. Are you sure you can avoid gaps at the wing roots?
Just edited them.

As far as the model is concerned... painting the wing before attaching to the fuselage isn't a very good choice. Are you sure you can avoid gaps at the wing roots?
Didn't think of it but yes that is a problem that came up. That and the fact that the tail section doesn't line up. With the paint you don't see the gap though, and the tail section is more or less ok. Not going to make myself crazy over the little stuff. It's going pretty good for my first model all alone so far. I'll post updates tomorrow morning for all the work I did tonight.
Yep, don't get discouraged. Every little oops is a mental note for the next build. Believe me, I've built about 40 models and I've got a Ton of mental notes. If in doubt, before you commit to glue or paint, don't be afraid to post a question. You will get lots of help.

Looking good. Of what colour are these camo spots? These seem to be of black.

Also please resize your pictures down before uploading. We strongly asking for that. The favored width of an image is of 800 pixels.
Looking good. Of what colour are these camo spots? These seem to be of black.

Also please resize your pictures down before uploading. We strongly asking for that. The favored width of an image is of 800 pixels.
They are rlm 81 acrylic from humbrol, they do look dark in the pics but i think it's just the way the color work with eachother if you get what I'm saying.

Also my bad I'll make sure in the future.
Ran into a big problem, I was planing on leaving the canopy open (have only 3 pieces of the canopy on, the front piece closest to the nose, the middle piece, and then the back peice where the gunners gun sticks out, the front and back fit fine, but the middle peice pushes outwards missing the fuelslodge, you can use force to push it in and it does fit in a sense. But can't really see how to get I to stay still to dry, tried tape but it was strong enough. It's the middle peice in general that was garabge all around, flare all over one peice was bent at an angle so that it would hit the seat so I cut that. Could really use some help as everything else is do close to being done
A pic would be a good help ...

Anyway, the Ju 87D Stuka cockpit conopy consisted of four pieces. The first , front one called a windscreen. The second one was a slided back hood for pilot's cockpit. The third one - not movable, fixed part and the fourth one - the slided back part for the gunner's compartment and back MG/MGs. So if you have three parts of the cockpit conopy it may suggest that there is a lack of one piece.

Problem fixed with some filling

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