Rifles and Machineguns of WW2

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agreed, the gun registry in this country is a billion dollar joke. Controlling handguns, which are intended specifically for killing humans is one thing, but harrasing farmers with golpher killing .22's is just plain wasteful.

Matt308, are you mistaking the muzzle trap system on the failed G41 with the G43? After many problems in combat with the G41, engineers mated the G41's action with the successful gas system of captured soviet SVT-40's, producing the Gewehr 43.
Okay it is legal. But did't you have to register (or re-register) your firearms and then semi0-auto rifles (defined somehow - like with >10rd mag) had to be stored at register gun ranges and your rifle could not be moved from premises without a separate approval mechanism through gov't? I recall it was so damn onerous that either you submitted, got rid of your guns, or moved underground. Damn shame for law abiding citizens. Like that is going to affect a single criminal.

FN FAL and all variants have been prohibited in Canada since 1995.

List of Restricted and Prohibited Firearms

Pasted from Canadian Firearms Centre website:

"Former Prohibited Weapons Order No. 13 (in effect since January 1, 1995)

· The firearm of the design commonly known as the FN-FAL (FN-LAR) rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the FN 308 Model 44, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Competition Auto, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Heavy Barrel 308 Match, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Paratrooper 308 Match 50-64 and FN 308 Model 50-63."
FN FAL and all variants have been prohibited in Canada since 1995.

List of Restricted and Prohibited Firearms

Pasted from Canadian Firearms Centre website:

"Former Prohibited Weapons Order No. 13 (in effect since January 1, 1995)

· The firearm of the design commonly known as the FN-FAL (FN-LAR) rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the FN 308 Model 44, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Competition Auto, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Heavy Barrel 308 Match, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Paratrooper 308 Match 50-64 and FN 308 Model 50-63."

What do you work for the man or something?
could be worse. Gun violence is not a big problem here, unfortunatly, a couple high profile cases have swayed many, with no stake in the matter either way, to the side of political reactionaries.
It's why I got rid of my hunting rifles years ago. Face it boys, this country has become so goddamed leftist and pussified, we make Luxemburg look threatening by comparison. What a %#@-ing joke.
Well, NS, the US is migrating in that direction too. Too bad really. It will come back to haunt us.

UN 7th Crime report on countries.

Murder per capita:
#1 Columbia 0.617847 per 1,000 people
#24 US 0.042802 per 1,000 people
#44 Canada 0.0149063 per 1,000 people

#1 US
#3 Canada

Murders with firearms per capita
#8 US
#20 Canada

Assaults per capita:
#6 US
#9 Canada
Matt - not in all states. Florida recently expanded it's laws to allow further legal leeway for self defense. It was put to the test recently in Pensacola, shortly before I left. A woman shot a fool breaking into her house, he was not yet inside the home at the moment he was shot. Sheriff said woman was fully within her rights...
Mkloby you are right. The right to carry has increased considerably in the last 10 years. Thanks to Clinton for his bans causing the biggest rush of gun buying in 30 years and then the Republican Congress not allowing anymore silliness. However, you better hold them to your chest. Pelosi is now in office and likely a Demo will win in 08. You can bet they will try again.

[NRA Member and damn proud of it]
Question for you guys, I am quite sure at this point in time that I need a walther P38. I dont know why, but I certainly can not get the idea out of my head. Anybody own/fired one? any wisdom to pass on?
Mkloby you are right. The right to carry has increased considerably in the last 10 years. Thanks to Clinton for his bans causing the biggest rush of gun buying in 30 years and then the Republican Congress not allowing anymore silliness. However, you better hold them to your chest. Pelosi is now in office and likely a Demo will win in 08. You can bet they will try again.

[NRA Member and damn proud of it]

I don't think that will happen, Matt. Democrats from the south will be voted out in droves in 2010 if they pushed through national gun control bills... liberals need to realize there is a 2nd Amendment no matter how much they hate it.
I found a post war P38 for $450. Supposedly in excelent condition, and comes with leather holster and extra magazine. Does this seem like a resonable price?
Sounds reasonable. It is postwar and thus no pedigree. Excellent condition? Even better. Do you have any inkling on how it shoots? Can you take her for a spin and see if the extractor works, the springs aren't worn? Look down the barrel with a flashlight to see if there is any pitting or if there is wear on the muzzle crown. Either will affect accuracy. Can you shake it and not hear a loose rattle? Does it lock up nice and tight? Can you get it to feed with vigorous racking of the slide? [exercise extreme caution here]. Does the mag fit tightly and securely?

Finish means nothing if it is reliable and accurate.
A couple of rare guns, the Stg 44AR in 7,92 mm kurz and the Garand for the 7,65x54mm argentine cartrigde. The further developmet of this were dropped in favor of the FAL. Both were made in very few numbers by the Military factory of Rosario.





I'm not a historian of the Garand, but I would have to say that with the bolt etc in white that is likely not a highly collectible version. But loved the pics of the Stg44, CB. Nice. :cool:

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