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Jul 17, 2005
i live in houston harris county not yet in the mandtory evacuate zone. but everybody are leaving H-twon. my friends, my teachers, ppl who i know, ppl who i love... all have to go now. ahh... this is so messed up. college just started for 3 weeks, and now this... i dont even know what i should bring with me... anyways i am leaving H-town tomorrow. for sure. cuz H-town is gonna get a direct hit.
Take any personal papers and photographs. Basically, the stuff you can't replace and beat feet. The thoughts and prayers of my family will go with you and 262. Report in when you guys are safe and when you can.
looks like rita is moving a little to the east, not much but better than a direct hit


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jinjinweiwei said:
i live in houston harris county not yet in the mandtory evacuate zone. but everybody are leaving H-twon. my friends, my teachers, ppl who i know, ppl who i love... all have to go now. ahh... this is so messed up. college just started for 3 weeks, and now this... i dont even know what i should bring with me... anyways i am leaving H-town tomorrow. for sure. cuz H-town is gonna get a direct hit.
on what part of houston do you live?
In the words of King Harold while searching for the Holy Grail; "Run away!"
have just heard the winds have diminshed down to 150mph plus and a cat 4.............so what, a killer regardless, am pryaing this thing just fizzles out in the gulf. eye wall is almost 30 miles across !
Unfortunately, conditions in the Gulf tend to feed those bastards more than anything. I hope more people heed the warnings this time.
Skim, also heard that if this big fat thing back washes to the east, that possible 15-20 foot waves may hit as far as New Orleans.

the gulf is really getting hammered this season and we have till mid-November yet ! ugh :cry:
I'm in College Station, TX, about 100-ish miles northwest of Houston. The eye was supposed to pass right over the College Station area but I think it's moved a bit. I am a little worried, the situation here is basically what happens when it snows in Florida- no one knows that to do at all. We're predicted to get 80-mph winds, maybe a tornado, and a couple inches of rain. I'll be stickin it out in my dorm drinkin beer with my roommate. Can anyone out there give some tips? Wish A&M luck in the weekend!
you have a bomb proof basement, but actually I don't like the idea of being buried alive as a possibility. Why don't you pack the rig with some buddies and head northwest as now it appears that Louisiana may get the hammer down again, it has moved north to the surprise of the weather forecasters.....

keep watching but in your case, keep packing and head out.........

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