RNZAF Corsair Build

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Lookin' good. Is that "R2800" going to pull the plane after it's attached to
a prop ???


Unfortunately do to CAA regualtions in order to fly legally in New Zealand you need to be more than 3 and have a current license,both of which my sister jemma doesn't have

Love to put it in but mum won't let me

Have to find something to turn it though
Worked on the undercarriage today not to many progress shots because it got quite messy and I couldn't be stuffed going back and forth from the house to wash my hands to use the camera(sorry)

This lawn mower I found was a real blessing ,It gave me both main whells and tail wheel and helped a lot in the whatever held the tail gear in place

The wheels actually resemble real corsair wheels which was a bonus

Shot six shows the tail gear in the making.Made fireworks out of that piece of steel

So Enjoy!!! Took alot of blood to get this far!!


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And she has Feet!

Planning on redoing it because although it works fine I just don't think it'l last more than a year

That last pic is of when I was about to attach it all the other pics have the gear attached

The tail Gear is surprising strong I was quite tempted of trying it out myself but thought it best not to just in case

Its now got an Escort of 2 read that 2 1/48 corsairs visible in pic 2

And yes I'm aware the wheels are out of scale but they have to be that way because of pedals and a whole bunch of other reasons


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At the rate you've been moving, I don't think it will slow you down much!

EDIT: Guess I should actually READ the last page!

Now that I've actually seen the pics, excellent work! Just one question though, how is she going to be steered?
At the rate you've been moving, I don't think it will slow you down much!

EDIT: Guess I should actually READ the last page!

Now that I've actually seen the pics, excellent work! Just one question though, how is she going to be steered?

Um well its sorta complicated to try to explain to you how it'l work ,Il try

Tail wheel will turn it.That will be turned by wires coming from the cockpit sorta thing

Don't get it?Don't worry Il have some pics up in the next couple of days showing how it works I'm pretty proud of how it'l work

Although I haven't done that yet ,I had it on the ground today pushing it along and it turns well by the tail gear so all going well that system should be in place tommorrow or the next day(Bloody boring school will slow me down)
Quit school and go into this full-time. I'd buy one off you, my little niece would look good in a desert 109!
Quit school and go into this full-time. I'd buy one off you, my little niece would look good in a desert 109!

Becareful saying that(joking)

I was seriously about to leave school at the start of this this year ,then recently I had this whole incident when some loser of a teacher gave me a lunchtime detention ,which I refused so after that I was given an afterschool detention,which I again refused.This dickhead was laughing at me when I said if you give me that I'm leaving school.He thought it was actually funny

I got the final laugh.I didn't end up doing either of those detentions,A little call from mumsie sorted them out
Thanks Mate

Had Dad out to have a look for the first time today

I had a little sign that said in not the best language "go away"

He was more concerned with my sign than the corsair

He did say it was nice though
B****y Brilliant! I'm guessing, but are you working the tailwheel from a pulley system off the contol column?
BTW, it's looking even better by the minute, great stuff, Daniel!
Yeah I Know what you mean Chris

And yes Terry pulley system sorta thing

Did something yesterday that every woodworking teacher tells you not to do .Never put the chisel in a place where if it slips itl catch you

You can guess what happened

This time it was the second finger in on the left hand,Boy I never realised my chisels were so sharp!
Ouch yeah chisels are the devil!!! take it easy dude, can't wait to see the finished product. oh and they did get the P-40 out for a flight yeaterday, sounded sweet as she flew over my house, was only up for 20mins but was good to see her out of the hangar!!! What are you going to skin her with? me I'd use cardboard.. it's cheap basically free from your local woolies or Pak n Save and easily replaceable if damaged?
No surprise it must cost a fortune to run

Gona have a look at using single sheet ply,got heaps of it and it seems like the most suitable thing for it

However I'm Gona look into Terry's idea of using old printing plates

I tried using cans today just to have a look but I think my ply would be better because it's bigger and easier,it was a Good idea though

Apart from that I haven't worked on it today ,had a look at redoing the gear and until thats sorted I don't want to do anything else

proberly do a bit tommorrow
Thanks Wayne

I had it outside today for a bit of a run on the grass,looked pretty good

Jemma got in it ,she was a bit frightened ,tried to pedal but it's a little big so a few ajustments are in order

If the camera's battery hadn't of died I'd have some photos ohwell have to wait and see if tommorrow's a good day
just saw the thread and all I can say is WOW mate! Now, when you go out into the workforce, I reckon you should try and get a cabinetmaker's apprenticeship, your work looks great and I reckon you will make a great cabinetmaker! I'm an apprentice boilermaker myself so I'm very rough any gaps in joins, I just weld them up!

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