Russia and V-E Day

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Other author claim 50 100 milions where is the their source ?!
Im talk you about declasified estate arhive of soviet kgb and you talk about some author ? Are you understand
Why am I even in this pissing contest with you about this? I must be tired. Doesn't matter, even if you are rigth, 30 milion perished because of soviet rule, it's still 30 million. And then you think the poles are silly because they complain about the soviet occupation. Doesn't sound very intelligent to me and not very respectful to our polish friends, telling them to shut up as Hitler was worse.

You're lucky, I usually don't let myself drawn in these kind of yes-no discussions, so you get this one for free. I suggest to be more respectful to other nationalities.
Other author claim 50 100 milions where is the their source ?!
Im talk you about declasified estate arhive of soviet kgb and you talk about some author ? Are you understand

Other author claim 50 100 milions where is the their source ?!
Im talk you about declasified estate arhive of soviet kgb and you talk about some author ? Are you understand

Fiable source:
Memorial (Russian: Мемориа́л, IPA: [mʲɪmərʲɪˈaɫ]) was formally established in Moscow in January 1989 as an international historical and civil rights society. Between 1987 and 1990, while the USSR was still in existence, 23 branches of the society were set up and became active.[1] When the Soviet Union collapsed, branches of Memorial in east and south Ukraine remained affiliated to the Russian network.
In 2004, Memorial was among the four recipients of the Right Livelihood Award, for its work in documenting violations of human rights in Russia and other former states in the USSR.[31] Quoting the RLA jury: "... for showing, under very difficult conditions, and with great personal courage, that history must be recorded and understood, and human rights respected everywhere, if sustainable solutions to the legacy of the past are to be achieved."

In the same year, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) named Memorial as the winner of the annual Nansen Refugee Award for its wide range of services on behalf of forced migrants and internally displaced people in the Russian Federation, as well as refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.[32]

In 2008, Memorial won the Hermann Kesten Prize. In 2009, Memorial won the Sakharov Prize of the European Union, in memory of murdered Memorial activist Natalya Estemirova.[33] Announcing the award, President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek said that the assembly hoped "to contribute to ending the circle of fear and violence surrounding human rights defenders in the Russian Federation".[33] Oleg Orlov, the chairman of Memorial, commented that the prize represents "much-needed moral support at a difficult time for rights activists in Russia",[34] and that he considers the prize "a mark of the high value placed on the work of Memorial and that of all of our colleagues - Russian rights activists who are working in a very difficult situation".[35] A cash reward, which comes with the prize, of €50,000 is to be awarded to Memorial in December 2009.[33]

Memorial was awarded the Victor Gollancz Prize by the Society for Threatened Peoples in 2009.[36][37]

On 4 February 2015 Lech Wałęsa nominated Memorial International for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize [38]

Since the passing of the Russian foreign agent law in July 2012 Memorial in Moscow and Petersburg have come under increasing official pressure. On 4 October 2016 Memorial International was declared a "foreign agent" by the RF Ministry of Justice; the Research and Information Centre at St Petersburg Memorial was also awarded the same title

Bref a prowest considering organisation by russian gouvernement claim :
10 to 39 repressed for all soviet period including revolution civil war and only 1.4 milion of executed for 7 to 9 milion of death of great famine there no prove that it vas a organisated ...
There no 30 milion perished there 30 milion max of repressed (arrested large majority acquitted )
I understand you after all this propaganda is hard to belive and change the point of view
There no 30 milion perished there 30 milion max of repressed (arrested large majority acquitted )
I understand you after all this propaganda is hard to belive and change the point of view
Most revolution where french revolution and civil war france lost 7% of their population no one tell today that the french republican regime was a criminal bloody one .... Soviet revolution and civil war 11% of polulation death

You cant compare hitler that start a war for conquer and exterminate entire nations to Stalin purge or victims of Soviet period 1.4 milion executed
Enough, knock it off with the revisionist BS. The Soviet Occupation of eastern Europe was no different than the Nazi occupations. Soviet genocide and rape of German civilians was no better or justified because of what the Nazis did.
To say the Polish have nothing to complain about under Soviet rule is pure ignorance. That is putting it nicely.

That does not mean what the Germans did was right. The Nazi regime was evil, and so was the way they treated their occupied lands. Justifying one evil regime (Soviet) over another (Nazi) is pure BS though.
How many poles werhe killed under soviet occupation ?
How many poles werhe killed under soviet occupation ?

It is estimated that 100 million deaths occurred under Soviet regimes or supported regimes. Its not just about Poland. Look at the big picture.

The next person to call the Polish people dumb for condemning the oppressive Soviet dictatorship, or says that an entire population of Germans should have been exterminated will not be welcome here.
All allies still rape germans why you talk that soviet equal nazi ? Are you a nazi ?
Are you Blind pro west human right organisation did 1.4 milions execudet for political reason under all soviet period where you find 20 milions ?

Are you dense?

The victims include 200,000 killed during the Red Terror (1918-22); 11 million dead from famine and dekulakization; 700,000 executed during the Great Terror (1937-38); 400,000 more executed between 1929 and 1953; 1.6 million dead during forced population transfers; and a minimum 2.7 million dead in the Gulag, labor colonies and special settlements.

If we add to this list the deaths caused by communist regimes that the Soviet Union created and supported—including those in Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia—the total number of victims is closer to 100 million. That makes communism the greatest catastrophe in human history.

100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead
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