Russia intervenes in Syria

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It needs to put back into production since there is nothing out there to replace it. I'd say it has to be the best ground attack aircraft ever produced.
It needs to put back into production since there is nothing out there to replace it. I'd say it has to be the best ground attack aircraft ever produced.
no need, really...we have enough in service and reserve to scour the earth clean several times over...

I'm thinking the rationale is that a good attack helo can do the same task....eeeehhh
While the U.S. has impressive combat helos at the moment, there is nothing in the inventory that has the punch and armored attributes of an A-10.
Now if they made a western version of the Mi-24/Mi-35...that would be a serious contender.
Sukhoi on the job ....


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Kasparov overnight, in self imposed exile in New York, former chess champion turned political commentator and anti-Putin critic has come out over night to say Putin is the most dangerous man on earth right now
I would take any "media" articles from Russia with a grain of salt however.

Pravda, RT and the rest all have a huge problem with accurate reporting and in many cases, reminds me of TASS or Soviet Times "articles" back in the day.
and such was one of the reasons for Radio Free Europe....
However, the totalitarian regimes labeled Radio Free Europe as a "propaganda tool" of the capitalist regimes, spreading lies and trying to undermine the socialist way of life.

Think of the socialist "propaganda" accusations as you would one of these .ORG misinformation memes that people constantly post on social for example, this recent "hack" by anonymous that exposes (according to anonymous) "all the republican politicians" that are members of the KKK...while omitting the large membership of democrat members (and independent, libertarian, etc) and the people are buying it lock, stock and barrel.

Dr. Goebbels would be absolutely thrilled with today's social media.
However, the totalitarian regimes labeled Radio Free Europe as a "propaganda tool" of the capitalist regimes, spreading lies and trying to undermine the socialist way of life.

certainly they did...and I am sure the west did a little spreading of propaganda too....and just maybe stretched the truth a tiny bit

Think of the socialist "propaganda" accusations as you would one of these .ORG misinformation memes that people constantly post on social for example, this recent "hack" by anonymous that exposes (according to anonymous) "all the republican politicians" that are members of the KKK...while omitting the large membership of democrat members (and independent, libertarian, etc) and the people are buying it lock, stock and barrel.

which brings me to the notion....when stuff like this is are taking the word of conniving, cheating hackers as the complete truth. they target companies and people whose agenda is counter theirs. what proof is there that that info is 100% accurate? what proof is there that they didn't take someone's name and put them on that list...they are hackers and able to jimmy things the way they want. so if they want to show that GrauGeist or Bobbysox is the grand bubah of the KKK, illuminati, or the order of the water buffaloes lodge...what is to keep them from adding your name to that list? nada. once a reputation takes a hit ( truthful or not ) it is a long road to restoration...and sometimes that is all they need to do, if even for a short period of time.

Dr. Goebbels would be absolutely thrilled with today's social media.

there are the 21st century Goebbels at work....
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