Russian bombers resume Cold War sorties

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA

Russian bomber jets resume Cold War sorties | Reuters
I like this phrase "Yesterday we revived this tradition, and two of our young crews paid a visit to the area of the (U.S. Pacific Naval Activities) base of Guam," he said
I wonder just how close they got
I think the Ruskie general has a point....they really stopped flying around so much because they were broke. Best way to get some tactical training, and those Navy guys probably thought it was a real hoot to get scrambled to intercept a Bear. Used to be great sport. Was only a matter of time before they were gonna be a bit more active. They still are a long way from being able to compete with us like they used to.....but I'm still keeping one eye open.
Yeah I reported on this a few weeks ago. They have been intercepted by Norwegian and British Tornados and F-16s several times in British Airspace over the last few weeks.

Cold War 2....

But hey guys get ready for the Anti US posters saying this is all the US's fault...
Its for the best not to underestimate the never know what they are planning to do...I know that I will sleep more good at nigh as soon as the whole world gets rid of communism.
Its for the best not to underestimate the never know what they are planning to do...I know that I will sleep more good at nigh as soon as the whole world gets rid of communism.

Given that you're country has had direct experience with the Comrads in living memory, I think you're on to something.
Its for the best not to underestimate the never know what they are planning to do...I know that I will sleep more good at nigh as soon as the whole world gets rid of communism.

Given that you're country has had direct experience with the Comrades in living memory, I think you're on to something.
Its for the best not to underestimate the never know what they are planning to do...I know that I will sleep more good at nigh as soon as the whole world gets rid of communism.

Here in the West we hear about the rampant inflation, blackmarket, crime, mafia, corruption and unemployment in many parts of the former eastern block.

From your point of view, is the fall (or weakening) of communism worth all the strife since the void was left?
I personally dont see a second cold war happening, too many in positions of power have tasted the afluence of a relitive free economy and that makes it very hard to regress back to the old ways.
I personally dont see a second cold war happening, too many in positions of power have tasted the afluence of a relitive free economy and that makes it very hard to regress back to the old ways.

The political situation and attitudes of what made the cold war dangerous simply do not exist anymore.
Russia's beligerence will rise and fall with the price of oil/natural gas. They are a one product economy.

I more concerned with China and Iran. China has sold equipment to Iran for years. Now Iran is trying to develop their own arms industry which is bound to pay some technology dividends.
I think the best thing that happened with China (other than Moa kicking the bucket) was regaining Hong Kong it gave them an instant ecconomic resource that was the real instigator of their incredible growth. As an arms supplier they fall well short of what the west has supplied to many very dubious nations.
Russia's beligerence will rise and fall with the price of oil/natural gas. They are a one product economy.

If that is true, I wonder how the new discoveries of huge deposits of gas methane hydrates on the ocean floor will impact their position.

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