SB2C-4 Helldiver 72 Scale WIP

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Looking good, though I agree about the panel lines. That said, it's still 100x better than I can do! Also nice to see another Edmontonian on here. th common way we've been doing panel lines that I've seen, was to use oil paint to accent them. The common color was burnt umber. Now you folks are all saying they're too bold, so it would be great if you suggest your techniques and how you do them. My eye is used to these type of lines, and to me, they look fine, but that's the personal tunnel vision happening that's not letting me see outside the box.


And yes, it's great to have a fellow Edmontonian with me here. What's your name and what part of the city are you in ? I hail from Laurel on the edge of the city.

All the best neighbour,

I'm not the person to ask!

Cory, and I actually live in St. Albert.
WOW! Fantastic Ben! I can't believe it's only 1/72. With all that detail it looks more like 1/32

hehehe...............thanks T eyes however beg to differ. I've been telling my friends that the next one is 24 scale. Struggling through the paint right now. Panel lines are too dark, but they'll lighten when I add shadowing with a light brown chalk pastel. Pulled that one out of the hat though, only due to experience as an artist, otherwise, I was stuck with them, since I tried to remove everything and start over, and it won't budge.

All the best and thanks for commenting.
Well guys...........after many trips to the shelf of doom and many hours of painstaking work, all but the most minor of areas on my 72 scale Helldiver are painted, weathered and sealed. I couldn't get the Raw Umber off the model, nor the yellow paint. I don't know what I did to make it so steadfast, but I didn't want to try to the point of breaking my little gem, so I forged on. Since I learned these techniques so many years ago, when everyone else was doing the same thing, it's still very pleasing to my eye, but rest assured, that the next model will employ many updated painting and weathering techniques.

I hope you like it. The next post will show it totally completed and ready for display.

All the best
Looks damn nice Ben, well beaten up for sure. Not sure what you're getting at about removing the yellow paint? Are you talking about the whole model? Defintiely is an unusual scheme but you did mention earlier it was based on a real machine.

Name's Andy by the way and I may be heading up youre way for the Western Canadian Regional Model Contest in the spring. Cory's going too I think.
Looking good overall. Did you mean removing the yellow and the oils to tone down the panels? Whatever, you've got the hang of it for next time, and the model certainly represents a well-used kite.
Terry, and I'm across the pond from you, on that rock just off the coast of Europe !

Hiya Andy..............well, when I first laid in the oils for the panel lines, I did so on the tail to get some feedback. Mostly everyone said they were too dark and could use lightening up. I learned this trick waaaaaay back when we first started accenting panel lines a la Verlinden, in the early eighties, and Raw Umber was the choice of colour.
Anyway, after so much feedback stating this, I tried to remove the oils and washes, and nothing budged. I couldn't get any of the colour out, so I ran with it. Now when all is said and done, I'm elated with my results. Yes perhaps, next time I'll lighten the colour for paneling up, but for me, this is a huge success, especially after returning to the airbrush on this project after nearly a thirty year hiatus while building masters for companies.

Anyway Andy, it is based on the Naval Air Modification Unit aircraft in Johnsvill Pennsylvania. I think the photo can be found in the Squadron Publication on the Helldiver. In any event, you can see this photo in my SB2C-4 Helldiver album at my Fotki site on Page 7 Photo 146. Follow he link below, and enjoy your visit.

I hope you come up for the show. We should all meet up and enjoy some food and stories.

All the best
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Yeah, I'm happy with it. I've done many before this, but modeling has advanced since I last painted a kit, so I've got a little catching up to do, otherwise, for me, I'm extremely happy with it, especially after the clear coat went on for final covering.

Addition of the tiny details and some detail painting to do, and I've completed my first kit in almost 30 years.

All the best
Like the look of it Ben, well done, you know, maybe too late but, what about a well thinned light misted application of the yellow overall this would allow your wash to still be real effective but toned down a tad? Possibly try it on a portion of the lower surface?

I think applying your wash dark is not a bad idea it is real effective its then how you blend it that gets the right finish,sort of like the preshading technique.
depending on the thinning of the yellow,might require 2 or 3 passes even more to get that it though!
Thank you gents...............I appreciate the compliments. is too late. I'm okay with the results. As I mentioned, it's what my eye was trained on so many years ago when highlighting panel lines first ame into being, so for me, I can admire them all day long. Next model however, will be colour toned and done differently.
I'm in the last quarter mile now and there's no turning back.

Vic..........I don't know how I managed all that detail either. When I look at it, I just shake my head at times. My wife recently gave me a Pro Modeler kit for my birthday........a 48 scale Helldiver. I don't know if I have the oooomph left in me to do another.

Gnomey..........thank you.

All the best guys. No more posts now until completion...........but if you want, you can visit the build here..............

Public Home | Bendenna |, photo and video sharing made easy.
Some very nice work Ben!!and in 1/72 at that.Cheers Kevin

Thank you Kevin. It's on hold now until I figure out how to rescue the canopy. My thanks to Wurger as well.

Any ideas would be VERY helpful. See my posting plase in my website SB2C-4 Helldiver 72 Scale Photos 244, 245, 246........ What's new on Bendenna's "Photo Albums" pages |, photo and video sharing made easy.

I'm really nervous about this, since I have no more clear to use and this kit takes forever to get into Edmonton and a price tag of 30.00+

All the best
Hi Ben. Can't scroll through your link for some reason. What's the problem with the canopy? If necessary, a new one can easily be moulded, as the shape is fairly simple, using any suitable clear sheet. If you don't have any, or can't get any by net/mail order, then some packaging materials can be utilised.

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