thanks guys.........................but as part of my crusade on making solid wood models let me just remind everyone.............This is easy!!!!!! back in the old days before plastic kits, the 30´s, 40´s and early 50´s (20th Century!!) this was it!!!!......there were .25 and .50 cents kits of every airplane you can think of!!! and all kids in the block made them...............its just a technique that once you make two or three its as easy as cream pie!!!!!!!
Try it ............needed materials: A good three view plan of the aircraft, lots of photos, hand saw or electric, big file, small files, sandpaper all grades, pins, wire, paper, bamboo, thread, fast glue, wood glue, filler, plaster of paris ( for engines and wheels)...planning, more planning.....jump into, work, patience, more patience....sweat,more sweat....time, more time...........and Don´t ever use Balsa wood!!!!!!!! get pine, mahogany or any other " not so hard wood"..............GO GO GO!!!! the way guys, these models last a lifetime and more!!! I have one my grandfather made back in 1926...