SecDef praises Soldier in Pink Boxers

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Tech Sergeant
Jul 15, 2008
From Reuters
U.S. defense chief lauds soldier in pink boxers - Yahoo! News


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday praised an Army soldier in eastern Afghanistan who drew media attention this month after rushing to defend his post from attack while wearing pink boxer shorts and flip-flops.

In fact, Gates said he wants to meet the soldier and shake his hand the next time he visits Afghanistan.

"Any soldier who goes into battle against the Taliban in pink boxers and flip-flops has a special kind of courage," Gates said in remarks prepared for a speech in New York.

"I can only wonder about the impact on the Taliban. Just imagine seeing that: a guy in pink boxers and flip-flops has you in his cross-hairs. What an incredible innovation in psychological warfare," he said
When you gotta roll, you gotta roll...I'm thinkin' it's a dang good thing he at least had his shorts on...otherwise the Taliban would have thought they were tangling with a re-incarnated Spartan and I doubt the photo would have made it into the media :lol:
When you gotta roll, you gotta roll...I'm thinkin' it's a dang good thing he at least had his shorts on...otherwise the Taliban would have thought they were tangling with a re-incarnated Spartan and I doubt the photo would have made it into the media :lol:
I was thinking the same thing but I couldn't come up with a quite so forum friendly way of saying it.

For some reason that reminds of my our last night in Iraq. In the middle of the night we came under a rocket attack, after it was over everyone came running out of the tents in boxer shorts, flip flops, Kevlar and body armor to make sure everyone was okay. It really was a sight to see! :lol:
Heh. First of all, he'll be recognized as a Marine. Once that fact is established...I don't think anybody will question further. Marines are Marines, tough mofo's no matter what color their skivvies!
Y'know, you could have bluffed the Talibs by saying that the guy was actually a girl, and that even girl soldiers could kick their ass all the way to Jehannum...

*Jehannum = Arabic for Hell
Now that he's home in Fort Worth he said his boxers will be displayed in the 1st Infantry Division museum at Fort Riley, Kansas.

Although Boyd has been praised for his courage, the 20-year-old specialist said he was just doing his job.

"I don't want any extra attention than the guys I served with because we all experienced the same stuff together; so I don't feel like I should get any extra recognition," Boyd said.

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