September 11 remembered

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Heres to the Memory of Friends and Family that perished on 9-11... All 19 of em.... FF is firefighter....

Vince D'Amadeo
Jimmy Amato FF
Matt Rogen FF
Thomas Butler FF
Francis Sadocha
Paul Geier
Andre Fletcher FF
Judson Cavalier
Brian Ahearn FF
Tara Debek
Rob Levine
Nancy Bueche
Larry Stack FF
Don Burns FF (My Uncle)
James Carson
Mike Otten FF
Ezra Aviles Port Auth
Neil Cudmore

And last, my pal Ken Watson... Childhood friends, went to college together, even got him laid for the first time...
And last, my pal Ken Watson... Childhood friends, went to college together, even got him laid for the first time...
Words cannot express the sympathy (/empathy) I feel for you. I have yet to lose someone, other than family, but I have already started bracing myself for such occassions, because I know death is not picky. Once again, my condolences for you loss.
Yes I also feel it. I know what it feels to lose a friend. Not to long a go my friend John Crist was killed in a car accident. He was driving normal hadn't been drinking. It was raining and was dark. It's believed he looked down to change the radio and with that split second he hit a tree. It was only for that split second looking down that made the moment. You could say it was just meant to be. Wasn't even half a year after we graduated together.

He was known as the music man. He was also fun to debate with. Not like other people he accually debated with you. Meaning he didn't try to shove his views in your face. Even if it got heated it didn't matter. 2 seconds after the dabate ended he would talk to you like nothing had happened. It's funny I don't really make friends with democrates, but he was different he accually used his views wisely. (no offense to any democrates here. Just listing some irony.)

I am sorry to hear that also Dan. Its funny it sort of hit a nerve when I read your post about your Uncle, when you brought up how he is missed and about your fishing trips with him.

My Dad (Roger) died from cancer 1.5 years about now. He more or less abandoned his family including me and sisters and Mother when I was 13. I hated him for that and never have forgiven him even till this day. He was a drunk, beat my sister and never was there for me when I grew up looking for a Father figure.

But when I was younger he and I would go fishing together, those were great times. Thats how I choose to remember my Dad, standing there on shore with me fishing for hours, not the alcoholic, abusive man who abandoned us.

I never saw or talked to him for many years after he left us b/c i was to mad. When he was on his death bed, I took my daughter to see him, he had never seen her upto then and she was 1.5 years old. I choose to see the man who was the man who went fishing with me when I was a kid, I forgave him. His eyes glowed seeing his granddaughter for the first and last time. The next day he died, I was holding his hand when he passed away.

After he died I am very sorry that we could not have a better relationship all these years, we wasted sooo many years not talking. I wish it could of been different, I all ever wanted growing up was a Dad to look up to. I despise my Dad, I hate my Dad, I love my Dad. I will always remember those fishing trips between just me and my Dad. He was not much of a Father but he was mine and I miss him.

Sorry Dan for your loss, sorry guys for going off subject, just Dan's story touched me and reminded me of my Dad.

It is interesting that all the comments about 911 are about the horror and sadness of what happened. I haven't read anything on this board from anyone saying "It happened to the Americans...". I've seen no detachment in the postings or emails. Everyone seems to understand (at least in the Western World) that this could've happened to them and the affect is far beyond NYC. The attack seems to be a seminal momment in Western Culture in that regard.

For instance, I have not seen a single posting saying we should surrender to OBL and his henchmen. Nobody is saying we should all convert to Islam. While there is a decent amount of "feel your pain" stuff from the left, that is about as far as it goes. Some accomomdation from the more liberal in the West.

It is interesting in that respect. The instantanious nature of communications seems to have worked against the terrorist. It may've been too efficient in not allowing detachment on the idea of 911 happening to "that" country and not "my" country.

I think b/c of WW2 the West (most of the west anyways) knows that we are all in this together. I don't see 911 as a attack vs USA, I see it as a attack vs the free world.

2973 died in 9/11 and another 24 missing still. Of the death toll there were people from all over the world (not sure how many different countries). True more USA people died but we stand with them side by side even if our goverment does not always do what the average citizen wants them to do. We stand united vs terrorists.

Here is a picture of some the people who died in 9/11 I hope turns out ok.


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If they are I don't want to be alive to see it. It'll be a sad day if they are. I personally will never forget.
Although this thread is entitled September 11 remembered I have to confess it is not something that I require to remember as it is with me most days. Generally I am not at loss for words (as most of the older members will veryfie) but as I am not well educated neither my sympathy for those relatives and victims nore my utter comtempt and vitriolic revulsion at the backers and perpotraters of that day can I turn into the right words.
I am not religious in any way so I shall just say my thoughts.
To all victims and their family's "you are not alone billions of people truly mourn your loss".
Alright, trackend. You were in no way offensive there, it's cool.

Just next time don't explain so thoroughly and don't use so many big words.
Les and everyone here who lost family and friends I would like to say my up most condolences and can not even come close to know how it must feel.
Nonskimmer said:
I think that they, like us, are slowly but surely being overrun by Islam these days. Very dangerous.

Not a politically correct thing to say in the least, but I think very, very true.

Yeah its the fastest growing religion in the world right now, its spread into many parts of Europe, Africa, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia and what-not, and im not talking about moslems moving to other countries, people are converting, the Catholic church may need to reopen the Templar
Convert?! No alcohol, No sex, you're wife wanders around in a black burlap sack (and you only get your first good look at her on your wedding day), no FOOTBALL, any time somebody mentions something even remotely insulting to Islam- you go ape$****...

That's not something you convert too, it's something you fight against!

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