Signature size?

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Senior Master Sergeant
May 21, 2009
Hi guys and girls.

I guess that one's signature has to be a certain limited size on this forum, to avoid the signatures from taking up too much space in here. I mean, otherwise we couldn't be doing much else but scroll, when reading through a long thread, trying to get past all the cool siggy pics.
But what are the size limits here - pixels, not kb's?

I did try to search in the forum, but I couldn't find any answers right away.
I've got a few ideas for a new siggy, other than an ad for my beemer hobby page...*thinking and designing*
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Hi again.
I guess me and patience aren't the best of friends today, so: Many thanks for the help.

BikerBabe...who's apparently running around with her head under one arm today, instead of the biker helmet - as it ought to be...*sigh*
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No problem. 8)
We all have those days.
There is a signature test thread that is linked in the "How to make a signature" thread too.

On a side note I gave you another link to look at in your IL-2 newbie questions thread.
Hope you find it useful.

Yep During one our discussion we have agreed that a signature has to be of 600x200 pixels what is the maximum of its size.
Thanks Thor, but after all, I'd like a sig that marks my interest in this forum and WW2, so I thought that a would be more correct.
And at the same time I could work on a new avatar, as I can't seem to see the current one that I'm using.

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