Well, I'd say hedging their bets. They built nowhere near enough F-22's and have already built too many F-35's so the F-15ex will be there to be a known quantity for the medium term till they see if the F-35 actually performs in combat as well as they think it will from exercises. Reality has a way of being far different from a Tom Clancy-esque fantasy where everything works perfect the first try.
Agree with the statement regarding F-22s. However, how do you determine that there are too many F-35s? What should we have instead? More F-16s?
As to your comment about Clancy-esque fantasy, I recommend you check up on how exercises are run at Nellis and other locations. They are about as realistic as they possibly can be...and I can guarantee you that Nellis exercises are specifically run to ensure that things do not work perfectly.
Since the Israeli, British and USMC F-35s have all conducted combat operations, at what point do you think we will be able to say that it performs as well as expected? Or are you proposing that we must wait for a large force-on-force war against a near-peer adversary to make that judgement? If so, I really, REALLY hope we never have to make that assessment!