Something different.. gladiator!

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Tech Sergeant
Jan 29, 2009
Verlindens 120mm Gladiator for my dad. Still no skin tone master but it's shelf worthy.

In other words, back to the havoc!


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Nice work, and definitely "shelf worthy". I'm a figure painting kind of guy myself. If you're interested in learning more about painting skin and faces (and I noticed this figure doesn't have a face) read Building and Painting Scale Figures by Shepherd Paine. He's my guru and his book is my bible.
Thanks all.. seems the resin has its perks.

I will have a look into that book Ed.. love shep paine for his dio's and I could see no fault with his wisdom of figures. Was very glad this guy didnt have a face. Eyes and such are so pain staking..
I thought 'something different' laid the foundation for what was to come.. but I guess to an aviator it just means another aircraft!!


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