Spitfires or 5 Series Italian fighters (More beautiful)

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You can put up any Italian 5 series fighter and although they are good looking aircraft the Spitfire for me beats every single one of them...

Gentlemen, gentlemen. This debate is like arguing over whether Italian or British women are more beautiful.

I say, who am I to tell another man that bad teeth and pasty skin aren't attractive. As long as we don't have to sleep with their women, let them raise their pints to the Spitfire. :lol:
I will break down each plane be section lol (like a woman's body). Nose is nicer on the Italian planes, I like it sliding down better on them rather than the slide upwards on the Spit. But I like the tail on the Spit better, I like the small tail (compact) better than that big sucker on the Italian plane. But what decides it hands down is this......... whats nicer than those beautiful big rounded eliptical wings on those Spits, I mean wow those suckers are nice. From the top, bottom or sides they are just nice to look at or run your hands over. The soft curves of those wings, mmmm wow. Spitfire hands down, sorry now I need a cigarette. Where is my wife when I need her. WOMAN !!!!!
cheddar cheese said:
I admit the Re.2005 tail is a little unwieldy.

However I can just throw the G.56 at you and convert you all.

Ok CC thats is some pretty nice tail (hehe) on that one. I like that better than the other one. But still Gnomey has some nice pics there of the Spitfire. Spitfire is very perky looking, I perfer perky over big tail anyday. Sorry CC I am still with Gnomey on this one.
And the Spitfire still looks better.
How does it? Especially not with that stupid picture. What the hell are you doin' clipping the wings? The beauty contest is won by the Spitfire ... because it's just that much better looking.
...That's my favorite Spit. The clipped wing versions.

Nice Siggie!


  • timetofly_013_jjgscfs_2_mc205v_201.jpg
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Obviously your take on beauty is misguided. The Spitfire is B-E-A-utiful ... so there.

And thank you. 8)
The early Spitfire's aint really that pretty IMO, however the late war Mk.XIV is one of WWII's prettiest !

Mmmmm..... 8)


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