Stavatti SM-27M COIN Airplane

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
Recently the DoD has been approached about Counter Insurgency Aircraft for both domestic and international sales. Stavatti of Idaho is a leading manufacturer that has responded to Requests for Proprosals (RFPs). Check out the SM-27M Machete that somes in turboprop, turbofan and low bypass jet engine configs.



Single Seat COIN/CAS/FAC
Two Seat Tandem COIN/CAS/FAC/AT

CONFIGURATION PROFILED: SM-27S/T LRIP For Export to Qualified U.S. Allies

Number and Type
Shaft HorsePower (SHP)
Propelller Type
Propelller Diameter

Single, Three Shaft Turboprop
Pratt Whitney Canada PW127G
2,290 @ 1,200 RPM
Dual 6-Blade Reversable Contra-Rotating Scimitar


Single Pilot on Martin Baker MKUS.16L
Two Seat Tandem on Martin Baker MKUS.16L

FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM: Mechanical with Automatic Yaw Dampening

(1) x Oerlikon 30mm KCA with 250 rds
(1) x GD GAU-13/A 30mm Cannon with 250 rds
(1) x ATK 30mm M230LF with 250 rds
(1) x ATK 25mm Bushmaster III with 250 rds
(1) x ATK 50mm Bushmaster III with 250 rds

(2 to 4) x ATK 0.50 Caliber Bushmaster MG
(2 to 4) x FN Herstal 0.50 Caliber M3M
(1 to 2) x Dillion Aero 7.62mm M134

EXTERNAL ARMAMENT: Seven (7) External Hardpoints for 5,250 lbs Stores/Ordinance Using NATO Standard Lug Suspension





43 ft 0 in
34 ft 0 in

12 ft 0 in

196.4 sq ft

Leading Edge Sweep
Aspect Ratio
Mean Aerodynamic Chord
Mean Airfoil

43 ft 0 in
171 sq ft

4 ft 7 in
NACA 65(2)-415 Modified


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Actually written up in Aviation Week as a viable candidate for a DoD RFP.
Although the whole Stavatti site is nothing but someones wet dream (did aviation week really fall for it!?!?) There have been similar concepts in the real world. One of them was the BAe SABA canard pusher propfan CoIn design from the 1980,s
Guys these "dreams" become the basis for reality. The only difference between now and the 1940s, is that these "fan boys" developed these "dreams" on computers instead of cocktail napkins. Don't dismiss these concepts out of hand.
I am afraid that this is going to go nowhere, you might as well either;-
a) Put the A10 back into production and get a proven system that no one as far as I know has ever knocked
b) If you want a lower performance aircraft then go for a single seat jet along the lines of the Hawk 200. Going from memory and this was some time ago, the performance figures were similar to those touted for the Sm27

Both of the above will save you a whole heap of development costs which we all know will be both late and over budget. Plus you will get it quicker and no doubt cheaper
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Quite nice looking airplane thsi SM-27 but definately I cant see the need of an external powered machinegun or machinecannon like the ATK or bushmaster design, better keep with a single gas-revolve or several FN M3 MGs.

Might look unimportant but in this kind of COIN planes the fixed armement is vital.
Guys these "dreams" become the basis for reality. The only difference between now and the 1940s, is that these "fan boys" developed these "dreams" on computers instead of cocktail napkins. Don't dismiss these concepts out of hand.

You can dismiss Stavatti out of hand because there is no such company. It is just a website a cyber fantasy world that is doing no harm, but should not be treated as in any way real. It also makes false claims such as having contracts with major real life companies. One of these is Raytheon and I can assure you, from a freind who works there who I asked about this several years ago, that Raytheon has never had anything to do with Stavatti as "they are not real, they do not exist".

Taken as a bit of fun (which is what it is) its perfectly fine, but don't be deluded into thinking its a real design house.

Also Matt, may I ask, as a moderator on this site should you be posting stuff that is a blatant falsehood? Where is the credibility in saying;

Recently the DoD has been approached about Counter Insurgency Aircraft for both domestic and international sales. Stavatti of Idaho is a leading manufacturer that has responded to Requests for Proprosals (RFPs). Check out the SM-27M Machete that somes in turboprop, turbofan and low bypass jet engine configs.

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Fair do's FBJ. That was written a long time ago. I haven't seen the claim about Stavatti being a major manufacturer refuted though.

I am not sure why you put up the link to the Stavatti PDF? I am sure you realise they are not an actual aircraft manufacturer, much less a defence contractor, at all.

However getting back on thread and leaving the fantasy site behind, one design that could possibly be considered for a reincarnation might be the BAe SABA I mentioned earlier.

The acronym SABA stands for Small agile Battlefield Aircraft and it covers several different concepts dreamed up by BAe Kingston (historically better known as Hawker Aircraft Ltd) in 1987.

It was compact, highly manoeverable and intended for use over the battlefield. It was at that time, however, intended to carry no bombs but merely to be armed with A2A missiles and guns and its intended role was to clear the battlefield area of helicopters, Tilt Rotors, UAV's and tanks. Clearly was intended soley for use where air superiority had already been secured. I suppose a smart bomb capability would be de rigeur if it was ever revived

The parameters for it included low cost, low vulnerability, very high agility (180 degrees in 5 seconds), carefree handling, soft field operation, long endurance and all-weather and night operatio, the idea clearly being to afford the ground commander a virtually permanently on call air support element rather than the fast jets streaking in and out that is the norm.

There were three basic proposals, the propfan powered P.1233-1 and P.1238 and three separate jet proposals covered by the P.1234 project.

A point of interest among the jet versions is the P.1234-1's large ventral blended gun turret, with its 360 degree rotation it was to be coupled with the aircrafts high rate of roll and a helmet mounted sight to give unlimited field of fire, the P.1234-3 took this idea further with a similarly configured ventral 'hypervelocity missile' launcher.

The P.1234-2 was simply a jet powered comparison to the propfan designs using an ALF-501 turbofan.

Although NATO were for a time very keen on the idea, BAE themselves were not so confident and the programme simply lapsed, with no official cancellation ever occurring.

Some of this work is thought to have been carried over into the Corax, Raven and Taranis UAV and UCAV programmes. These designs however were all manned.

Here are the pics.






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Fair do's FBJ. That was written a long time ago. I haven't seen the claim about Stavatti being a major manufacturer refuted though.

I am not sure why you put up the link to the Stavatti PDF? I am sure you realise they are not an actual aircraft manufacturer, much less a defence contractor, at all.
A "major manufacturer" defently not. A defense contractor? Actually they are, they were, or attempted to be

Here's another web site that is still operating and current. I'm wondering if its just a bunch of guys who meet everyday at the "office," drink coffee and then head out to golf.


But in the end...

A "major manufacturer" defently not. A defense contractor? Actually they are, they were, or attempted to be

No FBJ, None of the above.

Stavatti, as an entity, a thing, is TOTALLY fictitious. A plaything. Its like me, for example, having the 'Waynos Aircraft Corpration' and building a website with loads of imaginary backstory. I could post a pic of a maintenance hangar at Doncaster Airport and call it my manufacturing base. Really. That is all that Stavatti amounts to.

In 2002 they were going to fly a prototype in 2004, in 2004 it was going to fly in 2006, and so on, ad nauseum. There is nothing of substance behind the website. A guy I am acquainted with emailed him in 2004 to place a non-refundable deposit on a 'Sleek', which was a sportster and one of 6 different programmes under active development, including an F-22 replacement called the Stalma, if you beleive that crap. The guy refused to take the deposit but told my bud to keep an eye on the press. Yeah right! we reckon its because he knew he would be breaking the law if he accepted it, whereas all he's doing is having some fun.

Likewise my freind at Raytheon assures me that Stavattis claim to have contracts with them is totally falsified.

They haven't even bother filing any patents. Do you think that is reasonable for a genuine company, especially one that claims to be so far out on the cutting edge? Try a search here Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

All i got was "No TESS records were found to match the criteria of your query."

The name is not even trademarked!

I am disappointed to be debating someones well constructed fantasy, wouldn't you rather evaluate the real projects from a real company that I posted?:)
Stavatti, as an entity, a thing, is TOTALLY fictitious. A plaything. Its like me, for example, having the 'Waynos Aircraft Corpration' and building a website with loads of imaginary backstory. I could post a pic of a maintenance hangar at Doncaster Airport and call it my manufacturing base. Really. That is all that Stavatti amounts to.
That was my point...

They did file paperwork and do have what is called a Cage Code. That basically means they are recognized as a defense contractor or supplier, at least in the US

Are they in fact a real company or capable of manufacturing anything? Read the last link I posted about them and their "Laser Rifle."
Oh, it looked as if you were saying they were real. How easy is it then to be recognised in the US as a defence contractor? It sounds like I could do it! To be fair I have designed a tactical stealth bomber based on the YF-23, so maybe I should give it a go :lol: Honestly, that makes the DoD look slightly ridiculous
Oh, it looked as if you were saying they were real. How easy is it then to be recognised in the US as a defence contractor? It sounds like I could do it! To be fair I have designed a tactical stealth bomber based on the YF-23, so maybe I should give it a go :lol: Honestly, that makes the DoD look slightly ridiculous
Actually if you apply for a DBA (Doing Business As) fill out a few government forms and pay a few bucks YOU can be a US defense contractor and bid on solicitations. For the most part you don't even needs a cage code to do that! Check this out.

Fill out a form and you could actually receive the package to bid on any of that stuff. Now if you win the bid, you'd better be able to fulfill the contract!
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