Well, I'm still struggling, I have now printed 80% for the Mossie, but either the resin is not immediately suitable for this or I have made an error somewhere in my exposure time, because the parts are brittle and warp relatively quickly.
But anyway, first a picture
Because everything is very small and vulnerable, I have given myself extra work, in other words I am going to build the landing gear factor 2, so a working model but then enlarged to sit next to the model, and I am also going to build the controls for rudder and altitude separately for teaching purposes. and the entertainment. But ......................because the resin parts did not cooperate AND I want to show that I still understand old-school scratching, so I decided to build a kind of hybrid model built, or at least busy with it
The engine bulkhead and the printed lower legs
The printed rib 4, but a self-made rib 3
If we combine parts (it will be big), we will have this as a basis