I did some more work on the hobby this weekend, so I read through my pattern drawing course again and started with the nose
This must be present, but at the same time the interior must remain visible
So I started sticking
As can be seen in the last photo, no success, so we started attempt 2
To make a very long story very short
so we started something different. The photos of the bomb bay show some kind of power divider, at least I think it is something like that, but hey, that had to be recreated too
So we take 2 pieces of 1 mm strip and then stick them together into a block of 2 thick and 5 long. Then wait until the glue has hardened and then file a few slots with a triangular file and treat them with sandpaper until it looks like 3 pipes.
With a few small pieces of strip on the back it looks like a bit more and I can clamp it in my vice clamp thing (there is a real one on the way, they say, but I don't believe DPD so much) and then use my newly purchased P&D set to create a few rounds made of 1.5 mm.
Oh well, pasting is simpler
Then a quick strip and a few more rounds
And presto, done
Now just stick it in the bombbay
Also installed some pipes in the bombbay
It is not entirely in accordance with the photo reference, but I thought this was too much fiddling (I'm afraid I'll have a lot more to deal with)
And the cockpit has already been filled a bit with some parts from the previous versions