Stripped down Mosquito MK IV 1/32

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I agree. There is really not that much plumbing in the wings. Each wing has two hydraulic lines to operate the undercarriage jack, two for the flap jack, and a pair of pneumatic lines for the wheel brakes. All are aluminum tubes.

I'd have to check on exactly how they are routed but obviously all of them will run to the cockpit controls. The air tank and hydraulic reservoirs are on the right fuselage wall behind BH 4.
U/C hydraulics for B.35:

Flap Hydraulics B.35:

Bomb Door Hydraulics B.35:

All of the lines from the selector in the cockpit run down and under the floor then poke out the bottom of BH2 in the bomb bay.

Pneumatic lines B.35:

Pics (mine) of TT.35 interior at DH Heritage Centre:

Hydraulic/Pneumatic Panel B.35:

Despite the urge to delete, I still got something done........well ................................what else is there to say............. .except... "FINALLY DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME"

Maybe it's true, but then again, I hardly work from drawings, except for some sketches, exploded views and photos. and if you are still looking for reference material, you will always come to new insights and then you just have to take a deep breath and start again. Like with everything really.

Okay, I went a little further with the flaps and made the mounting points for the hinges there. I first have to wait until the wings are put together before I can attach the flaps, because I want to put them in a 30 degree position.

also from a new sketch that I found and a reference photo, I adjusted the ribs, they were too close together for my feeling, and if it is not correct, too bad, I now have an image that is intuitively correct

So it's just a matter of cutting out the existing ribs and adjusting them

and then in an overview, well, I hear it

If you change the ribs, the wing nose will also need to be addressed


I'm now trying to get a really clear idea of how the nose should be done, but that will work, otherwise I will always have a lot of other parts that need to be finished..........pffffffffffffffffffffff
It has been quiet for too long again, but I don't have that much time for the hobby anymore, because I am building the dining table and having 3 kittens in the house who then come to the table as soon as I put my things ready is very sweet, but You don't do anything anymore, except make sure those bitches stay away from your parts or play with them. Because if it falls to the ground I have a pair of ground to ground missiles in operational status called Chihauhau type MK4KH. who immediately fly towards it and destroy it (literally)

Well, I've been working on the wings, well, to put it plainly in Dutch, "etterstralen" , because I had to redo both the nose molding and the rear a few times because it wasn't to my liking. In my head I am a very perfectionist, but my hands don't understand that and at a certain point I really have to stop and say, "yes, it's a shame that it's not even, it's a shame that it's a bit crooked, it's a shame that it's which is twisted, but I really have to move on now"

So I did that and glued the wings to the center section. I did put metal pins in the wing frames, but still, there is still some movement, so it is now hardening for 24 hours, but it still needs some strengthening.

But sitting there on the shelf and forgetting some crooked things, it is quite impressive with a wingspan of about 50 cm.

Well Bert, apart from it being nice to have you back, you may think you see those crooked, twisted or bent bits but from where I'm sitting, it looks blooooody good. So well done mate for persevering and you watch out for those playful kitties.

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