Submarine hunters

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The most successful squadrons were the No. 86 and No. 120 squadrons each with 14 U-boats sunk. These were the most successful U-boat hunters in the war.

86 120 flew Libs, although the Sunderland was very bad news for a U-boat crew too, I'd think it would be the Lib.
This site has some great info on Uboats and what was used to fight them:

The link here has info on allied aircraft used for going after the u-boats:

The number 19 group of the RAF coastal command has the highest number of U-boat sinkings, with 65. Med is correct, according to the site:
The most successful squadrons were the No. 86 and No. 120 squadrons each with 14 U-boats sunk. These were the most successful U-boat hunters in the war. No. 224 followed them with 12 kills and No. 179 with 11 kills.

The site is a great reference for uboats and those who fought against them.
At last, a fellow Mosquito-buff !!!....Welcome !
To answer your question, there appears to be a few...- I've been reading ' U-boat vs Aircraft ' by Norman Franks Eric Zimmerman recently, which is a detailing of who shot at who, when and where... - It seems that initially, Wellingtons, Hudsons, Halifax's, Catalinas, Sunderlands and Liberators were our main attack aircraft, and as the US Forces came more into play, Avengers, Mariners and assorted fighters all contributed to overwhelming the U-boat force....It's really abit hard to say any particular aircraft was the 'supreme' U-boat-hunter, as even Mosquitos and Beaufighters, in fact most aircraft coming across them, would usually have a go. - A study such as this book I'm reading, is well worth checking-out, as the battle over the six years of War, went through many changes on both sides......If you include the Pacific battles, it paints a very comprehensive picture that doesn't really show any favourites as far as Sub-hunters went....Perhaps the PB4Y Liberator and Sunderland feature pretty strongly, as the both had great range for convoy-escort duties and reconnaisance, and there has been discussion recently in one of the forums....possibly 'Best Bomber' or 'Best in many different roles'......


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._-_on_the_hunt..._212.jpg
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I have seen some statistics, and U-boats shot down around 450 enemy planes (both USAAF and RAF).
yes that is THE book to have on U-boot vs RAF command. not in my library yet.........what was the most successful U-boot if it mentions it ?

E ~

Yes Evan; my father is a naval engineer and also is a U-boat buff, and he showed me some book where the number of aircraft shot down by U-boats was around 550; can´t recall the author though.

My father gave me a while ago "Hitler´s U-boat War", a two volume work; a real cumbersome thing to read but has lots of very interesting statistics.
It doesn't really specify, but with it being published in 1998, it's a very comprehensive detailing of the many conflicts....the bibliography is impressive, many good books have been written on the subject and I only got it outa the library simply to read-up more on the subject....One certainly is left full of praise for the courage displayed on both sides in these conflicts, it was no easy fight.....
- Having meet a chap last year [ he passed away a couple of months ago], who was a Merchant seaman on the Russian and Atlantic convoys, it's most humbling to learn of their War, particuarly when they 'volunteered' for these duties.....


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._-_on_the_hunt..._113.jpg
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not to change the subject matter as this is quite interesting but I understand that Franks work is the most comprehensive of the very few written on the subject matter. have hard of the U-boot flotille that sailed from the Baltic to Denmark/Holland at war's end and teh Russians tried to sink the boots but got slaughtered by the masses of 2cm and 3.7cm Fla on the boots. Not sure how deep the U-boot pattern was but they did all their sailing on the surface and one of the commanders-wives had a child while onboard/enroute to the surrender. Guess the Soviet tp bombers and ground attack a/c could not get close enough to do any damge as the Fla was so severe.................I have never ever heard what the scores were by the boots as this was end war and no scores were kept

E `
To diverse slightly, we had a news item down here just recently, about a U-boat that apparently put it's crew ashore in a remote place, to settle in NZ, and after taking all they needed off the sub, including some alleged plunder, they scuttled it....
Because it's been kept very quiet for so long, a couple of locals did get to know about it, and have apparently identified where it presently lies, a tricky spot, tidally-speaking, but efforts have been underway to pinpoint it's exact location, which may soon be accurately identified.....
The 'treasure' or plunder, is also now under these chap's investigation, having been stashed in an old mine apparently, and our general public have been told to await further developments......
One has to remember, that during the War, our population was around 1.2 million, and we were spread pretty thin over our rugged country....We now number around 4 million, and there's still alot of 'rugged country' out there, so it may prove very interesting what comes of it all......

I recommend a read of Norman Frank's book, Erich, his research is so very highly rated....he even comments on Herbert Werner, commander of U-415 of ''Iron Coffins'' fame, that his memory was possibly faulty in some of his accounts.......


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._-_on_the_hunt..._130.jpg
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thanks friend, think it will be on my shopping list soon. aslo keep us posted on that "missing" U-boot. do you have the number of the boot ? would be a kick to do a little research on Kommandeur and crew....

I didn't catch the U-boat No., the news article caught me quite by surprise and I was captivated by the story....however, I'll make some enquiries from the news agencies, and get back to you.......

The Lib and the Sunderland are obvious choices, but what about the TBF/TBM Avenger? This was the primary aircraft of the Jeep Carriers and they did an aweful lot of damage to the U-Boats.
ive seen storys of catalina sub hunters, or "black cats" anybody know how many subs they sunk?? or ships sunk


  • pby7crop.jpg
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Loads, from 5 book I'd read about on the Atlantic war, the flying boats sunk about few hundred in the entire war, but that's because not ONLY flying boats sank U-boats, most were sunk by other types of air cover(escort carrier, merchant carrier, faster or anti-sub destroyers, and B-24s(working off the Greenland coast)
Also the Sea Hurricane(well yea) armed w/ rockets keeps the boats from surfacing and some Wildcats too, but about which aircraft got the most"kill" on U-boats? Can't help ya.

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