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Ummmmm....*raises hand*....WTF is that five-engined plane in the second photo? At first glance I thought "B17", but five motors?
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US infantry, 1942-1945
01 - M1 helmet
02 - M1934 shirt
03 - M1934 sweatshirt
04 - M1941 trousers
05 - service boots
06 - M1938 leggins
07 - M1926 life belt
08 - M1937 ammo belt
09 - M1924 personal dressing
10 - M1910 canteen
11 - gas mask bag
12 - M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle with M1907 belt
13 - armband
14, 15 - obvious
16 - shoulder badges:
A - 1st Armoured
B - 2nd Arm
C - 3rd Infantry
E - 34th Inf
F - 1st Inf

SS-Reiter (Private), 8. SS-Kavallerie Division "Florian Geyer", summer 1944
01 - M-40 Feldmutze field cap
02 - M-40 helemt with SS badges
03 - Feldbluse 44- new sweatshirt, inspired by the British battle dress, cavalry markings on the shoulder straps
04 - trousers
05 - M-35 belt
06 - wool shirt
07 - M-39 webbing
08 - "Florian Geyer" division armband
09 - woollen gloves
10 - Panzerfaust 60
11 - 7,92 mm Sturmgewehr 44
12 - M-84/98 bayonet
13 - tarpaulin ammo pouches
14 - M-24 grenade
15 - Waffen SS payment book
16 - M-31 canteen
17 - M-43 leather boots
18 - leggins

Lt., 82nd Airborne, Sicilly, 1943
01 - M2 helmet with camouflage net
02 - M1942 jacket
03 - M1942 trousers
04 - M1934 wool shirt
05 - boots
06 - M1936 main belt with M1916 holster for the Colt M1911 pistol
07 - M1936 webbing
08 - M1A1 carbine
09 - M2A1 gas mask
10 - M1910 folding shovel
11 - M1942 canteen
12 - M1910 bag
13 - dog tags
14 - M1918 Mk I knife
15 - M1936 backpack

US infantry, 1942-1945
01 - M1 helmet
02 - M1934 shirt
03 - M1934 sweatshirt
04 - M1941 trousers
05 - service boots
06 - M1938 leggins
07 - M1926 life belt
08 - M1937 ammo belt
09 - M1924 personal dressing
10 - M1910 canteen
11 - gas mask bag
12 - M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle with M1907 belt
13 - armband
14, 15 - obvious
16 - shoulder badges:
A - 1st Armoured
B - 2nd Arm
C - 3rd Infantry
E - 34th Inf
F - 1st Inf



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Polish uhlan, 1939
01 - wz.1937 "rogatywka" firld cap
02 - wz.1932 forage cap
03 - "Adrian" French steel helmet
04 - wz.1936 jacket
05 - wz.1931 canteen
06 - dog tag
07 - leather ammo pouches for Mauser ammo
08 - main belt
09 - RSC gas mask with canister
10 - wz.1924 bayonet cover
11 - folding shovel in a leather cover
12 - boots with spurs
13 - wz.1931 mess kit
14 - personal dressing
15 - wz.1934 cavalry sabre
16 - 7,92 mm Mauser 1898a rifle
17 - wz.1924 bayonet
18 - 7,92 mm ammo clips
19 - fork + spoon kit

Panzertruppe leutnant, 1939
01 - officers' cap with with pink band of the armored corps ("Waffenfarbe Rosa"
02 - black officers' jacket, Prussian Death Hussars' Totenkopf on the collar tabs.
03 - grey shirt
04 - armored troops' trousers
05 - officers' boots
06 - headphones
07 - laryngophone
08 - protective goggles
09 - M-34 leather belt
10 - leather holster for Luger P-08 pistol
11 - leather gloves
12 - standard grey socks
13 - M-31 Meldetasche- map pouch
14 - Zeiss 6x30 binoculars

Polish infantry private, 1939
01 - wz.1939 "rogatywka" garrison cap
02 - wz.1937 "rogatywka" field cap
03 - wz.1937 steel helmet
04 - wz.1936 jacket
05 - dog tag
06 - WSR wz.1932 gas mask in a tarpaulin bag
07 - personal dressing
08 - leather ammo pouches
09 - wz.1933 breadbag
10 - leather main belt
11 - wz.1938 canteen
12 - wz.1928 bayonet cover
13 - folding shovel in a leather cover
14 - wz.1933 backpack with blanket
15 - standard army biscuit
16 - wz.1931 mess kit
17 - spoon + fork kit
18 - owijacze- belts of cloth used instead of socks
19 - boots
20 - GR-31 grenade- frag
21 - GR-31 greande- concussion
22 - 7,92 mm Mauser 1898a rifle
23 - 7,92 mm ammo clips
24 - wz.1924 bayonet
25 - wire cutting shears



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German cavalry sergeant major (Oberwachtmeister) 1939-40
01 - M-35 steel helmet
02 - feldgrau jacket with gold ("Waffenfarbe Goldgelb" markings of the cavalry
03 - Steingrau cavalry breeches
04 - black leather belt
05 - holster for Luger P-08 pistol
06 - leather webbing- "Koppeltraggestell"
07 - cavalry boots with spurs
08 - M-38 gas mask
09 - anti-mustard gas cloth
10 - trumpet

German corporal (Unteroffizier), 1939-1940
01 - M-35 field jacket with Unteroffizier's insignia
02 - M-35 steel helmet with Heeres markings
03 - Zeltbahn M-31 tent cloth in "Splittermuster" camo
04 - Grey ("Steingrau" trousers
05 - leather belt
06 - anti-mustard gas cloth
07 - M-38 gas mask
08 - M-24 grenade
09 - black leather ammo pouches
10 - M-31 aluminium canteen
11 - boots
12 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle
13 - Seitengewehr 84/98 bayonet
14 - wire cutting shears

Soviet tank commander, 1939
01 - tarpaulin cap with headphones
02 - model 1935 forage cap with red star
03 - linen overall, worn over the uniform
04 - canvas bag for the gas mask
05 - officers' boots
06 - holster for the 7,62 mm Nagant revolver
07 - synthetic leather map pouch



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Private, 1st Grenadier Division, Polish Army in France, 1940
01 - Model 1919 beret
02 - Model 1918 French forage cap
03 - French Model 1915 "Adrian" helmet
04 - Polish "rogatywka" cap
05 - ammo clip
06 - ammo pack
07 - leather webbing
08 - Model 1916 ammo pouches
09 - Model 03/14 main belt
10 - 8 mm Berthier 1892 carbine
11 - Model 1938 privates' jacket
12 - Model 1922 trousers
13 - Model 1935 gas mask with leather bag
14 - calendar
15 - Model 1893 backpack

German captain (Hauptmann), 1940
01- M-38 officers' forage cap
02 - M-35 helmet with Heeres markings
03 - M-35 officers' jacket, white markings on the collar tabs and shoulder straps (Waffenfarbe Weiss)- infantry
04 - M-34 officers' belt
05 - Zeiss 6x30 binoculars
06 - SA sport badge
07 - compass
08 - M-35 map pouch
09 - holster for Luger P-08 pistol
10 - offciers' gloves
11 - boots
12 - watch

Private first class (Matrosengefreiter) Kriegsmarine landing units, 1940
01 - M-35 helmet with Kriegsmarine decal
02 - privates' and NCOs' jacket, Matrosengefreiter insignia on the sleeve
03 - standard trousers
04 - boots
05 - M-38 gas mask with canister
06 - leather main belt with ammo pouches
07 - M-31 tarpaulin breadbag
08 - mess kit with cup
09 - Mauser 98k rifle



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SA- Truppfuhrer (Sergeant 1st class) SA-Standarte 143. Alsace, 1941
01 - forage cap
02 - "Schaftmütze der SA"- SA service cap, with blue markings of the SA Group Upper Rhine
03 - linen sweatshirt, rank insignia and unit number on the collar
04 - SA tie with NSDAP member badge
05 - Bronze SA Sport Badge
06 - NSDAP armband
07 - breeches
08 - service coat
09 - leather main belt
10 - leather boots
11 - SA Sport Badge ID card
12 - "Organisationsbuch der NSDAP", 1941 edition
13 - SA-Gruppe Oberrhein badge
14 - SA member ID card
15 - M-33 SA dagger (identical to SS dagger) with the inscription "Alles fur Deutschland"

Captain (Kapitanleutnant)- U-boat commander, 1941
01 - officers' jacket, Kapitanleutnant insignia
02 - Kninght's Cross of the Iron Cross
03 - U-boat crew badge
04 - Unofficial badges of the 1st and 9th U-boat flotilas
05 - cigarettes
06 - Kriegsmarine officers' cap
07 - leather gloves
08 - leather "U-Boot-Päckchen" - U-boat battle dress
09 - boots
10 - "Junghans" watch
11 - naval binoculars

Afrika Korps private, 1941
01 - M-35 steel helmet in desert camo
02 - M-40 olive jacket with white markings (infantry)
03 - M-40 breeches
04 - M-40 shorts
05 - main belt and webbing
06 - brown leather ammo pouches
07 - Tropenhelm cork helmet with Heeres insignia
08 - M-24 grenade
09 - 7,92 mm ammo pack
10 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle
11 - Seitengewehr 84/98 bayonet
12 - breadbag
13 - brown bakelite canteen ("coconut"
14 - M-31 mess kit
15 - M-31 tent cloth
16 - tropical boots
17 - RAF aircraft recognition book



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Private, Polish army in the USSR, 1941
01 - wz.1937 "rogatywka" field cap
02 - Model 1937 overcoat
03 - main belt
04 - Model 1904 ammo pouches
05 - felt boots
06 - tarpaulin gloves
07 - 7,62 mm Tokarev SVT-40 rifle

Private, Red Army, 1939-41
01 - Model 1940 "ushanka" cap
02 - Model 1935 coat, with service branch insignia on the collar tabs
03 - felt boots
04 - main belt
05 - 7,62 mm Tokarev SVT-40 rifle
06 - bayonet
07 - ammo pouches
08 - bag for the gas mask
09 - folding shovel

Sergeant major (Feldwebel), Luftwaffe, Africa, 1943
01 - M-41 field cap with Luftwaffe eagle
02 - M-41 Luftwaffe tropical jacket, yellow collar tabs of the flying personnel
03 - linen trousers
04 - main belt with holster for the P-08 pistol
05 - "Afrika" armband of the Luftwaffe's African theater units
06 - leather gloves
07 - oxygen mask (bomber version)
08 - linen pilots' cap with earphones
09 - life jacket
10 - leather boots
11 - aviation goggles
12 - Kappmesser M-37 knife
13 - "Hankart" watch
14 - compass
15 - map



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Italian engineer, Northern Africa, 1942
01 - Steel helmet with enginners badge
02 - tropical sweatshirt with engineers badges on the collar tabs
03 - leather belt, webbing and ammo pouches
04 - shorts
05 - shirt
06 - 6,5 mm Carcano 91/41 rifle
07 - Model 1891 bayonet
08 - 6,5 mm ammo
09 - SRCM 1935 grenade
10 - T-35 gas mask
11 - breadbag
12 - canteen
13 - protective goggles
14 - leather boots

Major, Polish AF in the UK, 1940-45
01 - RAF officers' cap with Polish wz.1936 air force eagle
02 - RAF officers' jacket, Polish major insignia on the collar tabs, British Flight Leutenant insignia on the sleeves
03 - officers' trousers
04 - shoes
05 - briefcase
06 - Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari Cross
07 - Infantry Officers' School badge
08 - Observer badge
09 - British Navigator's Wings

Schtzupolizei hauptwachtmeister (Master sergeant), 1943
01 - M-40 steel helmet
02 - Bergemutze M-43 field cap with green markings ("Waffenfarbe Hellgrun" of the mountain units
03 - M-40 police jacket, Schutzpolizei emblem on the sleeve
04 - mountain troops' ski trousers
05 - leather belt
06 - hoster for P-08 pistol
07 - 9 mm P-08 pistol
08 - payment book
09 - dog tag
10 - Meldetasche map pouch
11 - M-39 grenade
12 - leggins
13 - mountain boots
14 - 9 mm ammo pack



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NKVD lieutenant, 1940-41
01 - Model 1935 NKVD cap
02 - Model 1925 sweatshirt, lieutenant insignia on the red (NKVD) collar tabs, metal stars on the sleeves
03 - NKVD service breeches
04 - boots
05 - main belt
06 - holster for the Nagant 1895 revolver
07 - model 1932 map pouch
08 - "Veteran NKVD soldier" badge, established 1940
09 - Order of the Red Star
10 - military ID book
11 - ammo for the Nagant revolver

Partisan of the Peasant Batalions (Bataliony Chlopskie), Poland, 1942
01 - wz.1937 "rogatywka" cap
02 - jacket
03 - trousers
04 - boots
05 - improvised armband
06 - 9 mm MP-40 SMG

Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft der Sicherheitspolizei volunteer
01 - M-32 Allgemeine SS jacket with unraveled pockets and grey cloth applications
02 - Allgemeine SS M-32 breeches
03 - Polish wz.1932 main belt
04 - officers' boots, Polish pre-war
05 - Sicherheitspolizei volunteers armband
06 - field cap
07 - M-40 Einheitsfeldmütze field cap with "Schutzmannschaft der Sipo" emblem
08 - shoulder insignia
09 - Schuma emblem, worn on the left sleeve. The inscription says: "Faithful- Brave- Obedient".
10 - German-Ukrainian brochure about the territory of Ukraine, 1941 edition
11 - "For Bravery and Service" medal, 2nd class with swords



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Major, 1st Polish Armoured Division (UK) 1942/43
01 - British forage cap with a Polish wz.1940 military eagle and major's insignia
02 - British officers' jacket
03 - British trousers
04 - officers' belt
05 - shirt and tie
06 - officers' boots
07 - black shoulder strap of the 1st Armoured Division
08 - 1st Armoured Division badge
09 - banners of the 1st Independent HMG Batallion
10 - 1st HMG Batallion's honorary cord

SS- Haupsturmfuhrer (Captain)
01 - M-38 SS officers' jacket, with SD rhombus on the left sleeve, silver chevron on the right sleeve means that the uniform owner joined NSDAP before 30.01.1933
02 - Schirmmütze officers' cap
03 - M-44 officers' trousers
04 - M-34 officers' belt
05 - Decorations:
- Iron Cross 1st Class
- ribbons: "Kriegsverdienstkreuz" (war service cross), medal for the winter campaign on the eastern front 1941/42, bronze SA sport badge
06 - Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS, "Reichsfuhrer's Honorary Sword"
07 - Totenkopfring der SS

Soviet infantry, 1941
01 - Model 1940 steel helmet
02 - "Telogreika" jacket
03 - field trousers
04 - boots
05 - 7,62 mm Mosin 91/30 rifle
06 - rifle oiler
07 - Model 1930 ammo pouches
08 - personal dressing
09 - military ID
10 - synthetic leather map pouch



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2nd Lt, 1st Infantry Division, Polish Peoples Army (USSR), 1943
01 - wz.1937 field "rogatywka" cap
02 - Model 1936 drill jacket, wz.1943 military eagle on the buttons
03 - Soviet breeches
04 - Model 1935 officers' belt
05 - synthetic leather holster for Nagant revolver
06 - synthetic leather map pouch
07 - leather boots
08 - Adrianov compass
09 - binoculars
10 - 7,62 mm PPSh-41 SMG
11 - decorations: Cross of the Valorous, "Zasłużonym na Polu Chwały" medal

Red Army officer, reconaissance unit, ca. 1943
01 - Model 1935 forage cap
02 - camouflage clothing, autumn variant
03 - 7,62 mm PPS-43 SMG
04 - tarpaulin ammo pouch for 3 PPS magazines
05 - Model 1935 officers' belt
06 - leather holster with 7,62mm TT pistol
07 - Model 1940 assault knife
08 - Adrianov compass
09 - personal dressing
10 - officers' boots

Oberleutnant (Lt.) Don Cossacks 1943-45
01 - Dutch officer jacket with changed collar, Model 1943 collar tabs, Oberleutnant's insignia on the shoulder straps
02 - Soviet trousers with red stripe of the Cossacks
03 - "Kubanka" cap
04 - German belt
05 - leather holster with Walther P-38 pistol
06 - "Bashlyk"- Cossacks traditional winter hood
08 - "Shashka"- Model 1881/27 Cossack sabre
09 - Dog tag
10 - Medal "For Bravery and Service", 1st class with swords



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Lieutenant, RSI "Decima MAS", Italy, 1943-44
01 - "basco" beret
02 - Model 1933 helmet
03 - Model 1941 airborne jacket, leutenant's insignia on the cuffs, division badge on the upper sleeve
04 - German belt
05 - holster for Beretta 1933 pistol
06 - German M-24 grenade
07 - 9 mm TZ-45 SMG
08 - ammo pouches
09 - trousers
10 - mountain boots, German
11 - memorial badge of the "Folgore" company

Private, Luftwaffe, France 1944
01 - M-40 helmet
02 - Einheitsfeldmütze M-43 field cap
03 - M-43 sweatshirt in "Sumpftarnmuster" camo
04 - trousers
05 - webbing
06 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle with bayonet
07 - M-31 breadbag
08 - M-31 canteen
09 - M-39 boots
10 - dog tag
11 - "Esbit" pocket heater

Sergeant, UK 1st Airborne, 1944
01 - Mk II helmet- jump version, with camouflage net
02 - Battle-dress
03 - M41 "Denison smock" jacket
04 - face camouflage net
05 - "toggle rope"
06 - boots
07 - M37 leggins
08 - M37 webbing
09 - Sten Mk V SMG with bayonet
10 - M36 grenade

Soldier of the Warsaw Uprising, 1944
01 - German "Gladiator" helmet
02 - Wehrmacht sweatshirt in "Sumpftarnmuster" camo
03 - Polish wz.1933 main belt
04 - Polish breeches
05 - German pre-1939 boots
06 - AK (Home Army) armband
07 - 9 mm Sten Mk II SMG
08 - German ammo pouches for MP-38/40 magazines

Waffen SS Sturmmann (Corporal), Normandy 1944
01 - M-40 helmet with SS badges
02 - M-43 SS Feldbluse, Sturmmann's insignia on the collar tabs and left sleeve, Iron Cross 2nd Class ribbon on the button
03 - trousers from the Drillichtanzug 43 uniform, in "Tupfenmuster" camo
04 - SS main belt with webbing
05 - Patronentasche für MP-Magazine, ammo pouches for MP-38/40
06 - map pouch
07 - 9 mm MP-40 SMG
08 - breadbag, canteen, Zeltbahn tent cloth
09 - boots
10 - gas mask canister



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