Surprised, humbled Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

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Folks, I think the real question here is did the President's actions in 9 months (A few trips to Europe, a few speeches, a change in diplomatic policy and a re-direction of the Afghanistan War) really constitute and legitimize the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize? Here's a list of former winners and it took YEARS of work before they were recognized for their contributions. I suggest some of you look into what some of these people did in the years prior to their Nobel Peace Prize.

• 2008: Martti Ahtisaari
• 2007: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Al Gore
• 2006: Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank
• 2005: International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei
• 2004: Wangari Maathai
• 2003: Shirin Ebadi
• 2002: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
• 2001: United Nations, Kofi Annan
• 2000: Kim Dae-jung
• 1999: Medecins Sans Frontieres
• 1998: John Hume, David Trimble
• 1997: International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Jody Williams
• 1996: Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, Jose Ramos-Horta
• 1995: Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
• 1994: Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin
• 1993: Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk
• 1992: Rigoberta Menchu Tum
• 1991: Aung San Suu Kyi
• 1990: Mikhail Gorbachev
• 1989: The 14th Dalai Lama
• 1988: U.N. Peacekeeping Forces
• 1987: Oscar Arias Sanchez
• 1986: Elie Wiesel
• 1985: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
• 1984: Desmond Tutu
• 1983: Lech Walesa
• 1982: Alva Myrdal, Alfonso Garcia Robles
• 1981: Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees
• 1980: Adolfo Perez Esquivel

Sorry folks, if the president received this at the end of his first term and had a few more things to show BASED ON ACTIONS AND RESULTS, I would agree fully on this decision. I think the prize committee gave him this award based on an agenda and promises yet to be fulfilled, and that's very wrong. Only time will tell if Obama fulfills those promises or whether this premature award will come back to bite him.

Well said, I could not agree more.
I couldn't agree more with FlyboyJ, Vassili and the rest of you guys.
I just cannot for the life of me see why he has been nominated, and why he gets the price.
Yep. Pretty much...

Still, it's their prize to award as they see fit. So if those who don't like their choices feel that strongly about it, maybe they should just set up their own peace prize to award as THEY see fit.

Maybe Rush Limbaugh could be persuaded to donate a few of his millions to help finance a GOP Peace Prize Foundation. You know, 'put up or shut up'...

Hey, I said to my parents that I'll try and make the Dean's list this semester. Does that qualify me for the Peace Prize too, before I make the list?
Oh, my dad has a theory that I believe in 100%. Obama got the Peace Prize for trying to get the next Olympics to be hosted in Chicago. Any takers?

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