Tamiya Bf109E-4/7 1/48

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Yes, I read through your build-thread and I liked your model a lot, just goes to say you don't need an airbrush to make a pretty decent model.

Not much progress to report, I have spent a few days on the net looking for information. I have put together the seatbelts, and man are those bits fiddly, but then again kudos to Eduard for making them so easy, well, relatively easy to assemble. I've also drilled the seat where the belt will pass through.
Cockpit done. Nothing fancy and nothing near the things I've seen on this board. I'm not 100 per cent happy with it, but it'll do.

The paint is my own mix of 1 part Tamiya XF-22, 1 part XF-49, 2 parts XF-1 and one part X-22 to make it semi-gloss, it turned out great, I think. I have had some bad experiences with washing in that the underlying paint/clear stains and so now I tried to mix 50 per cent black and 50 percent burnt umber artists oils with Zippo fuel instead of turpentine, and it worked pretty good. I have to try this out a bit more, it has potential. Then I did the usual dry-brushing which I never seem to master, it always seems to clot and mess things up. I used Humbrol 147 (light grey) to dry-brush.

The images turned out a little pale, I have to fix my auto-filter script in Photo Shop.


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