Tensions Rising - N. Korea fires on Yeonpyeong

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2007
Manila, Philippines
Tensions are boiling over in Korea as the North fires artillery into the island of Yeonpyeong.

N. Korea fires on S. Korea

So far, 13 S. Korean military personnel are injured, along with two civilians but there is however, one fatality. Let's just hope this doesn't get out of hand.
Living next to Korea, strangely, I feel no tensions at all.

I wonder why South has not destroyed the North's batteries at least immediately to stop further bombardment before complaining on media.

As long as I know, the Koreans have never made war by themselves in their history.
I also heard over the radio that SK is asking the US to stage nuclear weapons on SK soil. This would be the first time since the early 1990s, when they were officially removed. Sounds like posturing on their part though.
I also heard over the radio that SK is asking the US to stage nuclear weapons on SK soil. This would be the first time since the early 1990s, when they were officially removed. Sounds like posturing on their part though.

While I can certainly understand their concerns, I worry that something like this could escalate the tensions that are already pretty high.
As the old, old, saying goes "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". When an entire nation literally worships you you tend to start believing them and think you can do anything to anyone. a lot depends here on China
At some point S. Korea is going to have to say enough is enough. N. Korea can not continue these actions. In my opinion that little midget of leader needs to be taken out, along with anyone else who wishes to carry on after him.
Obviously technically the war never ended, there was only an armistice, but what the N. Koreans have been doing over and over is nothing less than act of war.

I think the South has remained quiet about this for way too long!
China is the BIG if. they're not as reactionary or isolated as they were in the 1950s so perhaps they'll let the little cretin stand alone. and it still won't be easy, the entire country is militarized and fanatically devoted to the "wonderful leader"
I'm all for the bravado of "SK go and kick NK azz", but then I remind myself that I have too much skin in the game. In fact we all do. SK is in the top 15 largest economies (Asia's 4th). A war in SK would devastate the world market, unless it lasted only hours. And I don't see that happening. I want to retire sometime in my life and I can't afford yet another hit to my savings.
The more paranoid side of me is worried that China may be content to let N. Korea "poke the bear" to gauge what level of reaction or even resolve the rest of the world has for intervening in an armed conflict in that arena.
I would say we don't have much resolve. Just judging the reaction the world has had to both NK and Iran, one can quickly conclude we have virtually zero resolve.
A war between the Koreas is bad news so hopefully this is just bitch slappin for attention.

But I do agree that if NK keeps on taking the wotsit then its B-52 time.

But I hope that is a long way down the line.
Matt you actually think we will be able to retire one day? Think the plot is we will be like that skelton at the desk cartoon.......You would think NK would be better off if they cut the bs with the South and the rest of the world, but maybe they all suffer from the Napoleon complex.
Yeah, Torch, my statement was more rhetorical than realistic. For me at any rate. My wife is going to live forever. Her heredity makes her almost undead.

Me? I have no illusions that I will die at my desk and the only indication that folks on this forum will get is my abrupt absence.

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